

PBS News Weekend July 23, 2023






大人の私も好きです ^^



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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:03] 今日の主要ニュース

[04:05] Moscow pulled out of a deal that allowed Ukrainian grain shipments to safely cross the Black Sea. At the Aspen Security Forum [* = The Aspen Security Forum (ASF) is the premier national security and foreign policy conference in the United States. Presented by the Aspen Strategy Group, ASF has provided a nonpartisan public venue for domestic and global leaders to discuss the key national security and foreign policy issues of the day for the past 14 years. https://www.aspensecurityforum.org/ ] this past week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he's looking for other means of ensuring safe transit.

[05:17]★今日のおすすめ★ スペイン総選挙 50年近くぶりに極右政権誕生か/Bentley Universityの政治学教授Bonnie Fieldに聞く/予想外の接戦/争点は景気、インフレ、男女平等、LGBTQ権利、気候変動/ナショナリスト政党Voxは、カタルーニャ独立運動への強硬な反対で台頭したが、今回の総選挙では停滞/しかし、中道右派政党の連立パートナーとしてVoxが大きな権力を持つことに

[07:17] And, of course, this election is being watched very closely because of the rightward drift [* 右傾化 // drift = A gradual change in position; A gradual deviation from an original course ] in so many European countries.

[11:14] 終わりの見えない猛暑 救急救命室の取り組み/アリゾナ州フェニックスのBanner University Medical Centerの救急医療医Aneesh Narangに聞く/熱中症の治療法と予防法

[18:41]★今日のおすすめ★ 黒人農家と所有農地の減少 その原因と影響を探り、遺産を取り戻して富の世代蓄積を目指すドキュメンタリー映画『Gaining Ground: The Fight for Black Land』/監督のEternal Polkへのインタビュー/減少の元凶はheirs' propertyという法律の抜け穴

[19:23] How did this big drop in Black farmers and Black farmland ownership -- how did this happen?
>> Well, there is a little known legal loophole called heirs' property [* このあとheirs' propertyとは何かの説明がある ] , which essentially allows for a person to buy a -- interest in your property and then force you to sell the land at a low rate, or you just lose it because you don't have the funds to fight in the court. So, imagine you have ten heirs who all have a claim to a property and one of them sells and it doesn't matter how big or small the interest of the property that they sell. Someone who bought that interest can now force you to sell all of it. So, if it's 4,000 acres, and they sell one acre, that sale of that one acre will allow the purchaser of that acre to force to sell off all of the land. And that's pretty egregious when you think about millions of acres that have been lost.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

