■今日の動画1:PBS NewsHour Jan. 29, 2024
今日の動画2:PBS News Weekend Jan. 28, 2024
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[39:43] The key message here in your book is that people who have long fought for better gun control measures, including yourself, things like red flag laws and background checks, that they have been arguing for this public health approach, and you argue that that approach is wrong.
[13:28] JOHN YANG: Dr. Uché Blackstock has seen firsthand how medical racism shapes America's health care system. She's seen it both as a physician and as a patient. She's dedicated her career to work at the intersection of medicine, health equity and systemic racism. She's an emergency medicine physician and is CEO and founder of Advancing Health Equity, an organization which works to dismantle racism in health care.
[16:21] UCHÉ BLACKSTOCK: Exactly. And that's something that we see a thread in terms of how that black patients are cared for. There is something called pain inequity, where we have seen a trend and it's in the research that black patients, their pain is often undertreated. And that connects to really deep-rooted systemic beliefs, back from slavery days, that somehow we are biologically different, that we feel pain differently than other people do.
[18:04] UCHÉ BLACKSTOCK: Yes. Yes. And so I write about in the book, the Flexner Report, which came out in 1910, that was actually commissioned by the American Medical Association and Carnegie Mellon Foundation, they sent an educational specialist, Abraham Flexner, to assess all of the medical schools in the U.S. and Canada, and to hold them against the standards of Western European medical schools or, in the U.S., Johns Hopkins. And that led to the closure of five out of seven of the historically black colleges and universities that up to that point had trained about 1,600 students. But it's estimated at those five medical schools at the turn of the century, [* if ] those black medical schools had stayed open, they would have trained between 25,000 and 35,000 black physicians. That is such a tremendous loss not only in the workforce, but the patients they could have treated the students they could have mentored the research that could have been done.
動画1:to telegraph the punch/ to get the week off to a running start/ to get a goose egg/ Heads up!/ world wracked by conflict
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