
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.22☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 21, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[04:33] MICHELLE OBAMA: Most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth.
BARACK OBAMA: Here's a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago.

[07:21] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Also last night, right alongside the party's most liberal leaders like Senator Bernie Sanders were Republicans who say they have had enough of Trump and planned a vote for Harris, including Mesa, Arizona, Mayor John Giles. [** 以前この番組で放送されたJohn Gilesへのインタビュー  see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2YU_bmx9MU&t=1317s ]
JOHN GILES (R), Mayor of Mesa, Arizona: I'm a lifelong Republican. So I feel a little out of place tonight. But I feel more at home here than in today's Republican Party. John McCain's Republican Party is gone and we don't owe what a damn thing to what's been left behind.

[07:57] STEPHANIE GRISHAM, Former White House Press Secretary: Behind closed doors, Trump mocks his supporters. He calls them basement dwellers. On a hospital visit one time, when people were dying in the ICU, he was mad that the cameras were not watching him.

[11:52] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: So, a number of the Democrats that I have talked to, be them delegates, operatives, as well as party leaders, they essentially say that they do not think that Harris needs to differentiate herself dramatically from President Biden.

[18:01] AMNA NAWAZ: You also heard Michelle Obama last night warn about what could be ahead, seemed to be hinting at some of the potentially racist or sexist attacks, particularly on a Black woman running for president, that we could see. Do you share that concern?
SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR: Yes. And I look at the past. Hillary Clinton alluded to it as well. When she ran back in 2016, 2020, when I ran for president, Elizabeth Warren did, Kamala did, a number of others, there's some really unique attacks. They tend to be about how you look, how you dress, how you laugh. And what I love about the Harris campaign is, we have all learned a lot, all of us. What we have learned is, some of it, you ignore. You just don't act at everything they say. Some of it, you take on when it's really serious, but, some of it, you laugh off. You see they're making fun of her laugh, and now it's a mash-up with Beyonce songs. They're making fun of coconut trees, and now you see the coconut memes. I will take a brat summer any day over cat ladies.

[21:59] MICHAEL TYLER: Well, yes, listen, I think it's worth taking a step back and looking at this whole cloth, right?

[33:14] GEOFF BENNETT: You know, for all of the focus on the ceremonial passing of the torch from Biden to Harris, last night, we saw the Obamas in many ways affirm Kamala Harris as the rightful successor to the Obama era. We heard President -- former President Obama invoke that slogan, "Yes, she can." That's how he rephrased it. How do you see it? How do you see that historical through line and her role? REP.
JAMES CLYBURN: I see it as a pass through Joe Biden. Joe Biden brought this country back from the brink. Obama left Trump a whole lot to work with. And he did to the Obama era what he did to his father's money, lost it all. And he mismanaged the pandemic. Nobody blames him for COVID-19, but he could have managed it with some good sense. But we got all foolishness. So it was up to Biden to bring this country back from the brink. And he did. He did it with some monumental legislation. His Rescue Plan didn't get a single Republican vote, but it got children back in school, it got businesses unshuttered, and it got our economy back in, focused. Then he did the infrastructure bill. We had been promised infrastructure every month for four years. And not one dime was spent on infrastructure. A $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, that included the broadband Internet that we needed in order to get telemedicine out to people, especially in rural communities, and get children to stay in schools or stay acquainted with educational stuff, and went on to the CHIPS and Science ACT, the PACT Act, Safer Communities Act, Inflation Reduction Act. He did it. So we can't go from Obama all the way to Harris. You got to pass through Joe Biden.

[40:19] Authorities say they believe the British-flagged Bayesian, seen here in file video, was struck by a tornado on the water, which is known as a water spout. But questions remain as to why the yacht sank so quickly.

[47:22] The IDF says it is investigating the accusations. Critics say the IDF's past form shows it cannot be trusted to investigate itself. Of more than 1,200 complaints of Israeli soldier violence against Palestinians from 2017-2020, fewer than 1 percent were charged.



  • birther

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  • Masonic orders

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