今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.02]
PBS NewsHour Feb. 1, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:37] 警官による暴行死 被害者の葬儀 悲劇を繰り返さないために
[06:26] 今日のその他のニュース
[06:54] because it's -- we have got a long way to go. It's just -- it's the early stages of disinflation. [* disinflation = a decrease in the inflation rate.]
[12:14] ソマリアの窮状 リポート
[15:41]★今日のおすすめ★ ソマリア救援 Linda Thomas-Greenfield国連大使に聞く
[17:27] There is a term, as you know, that humanitarian workers use: compassion fatigue. [* compassion fatigue = Exhaustion of the capacity to react with sympathy to another's misfortune owing to one's overexposure to previous misfortunes.(wiktionary)]
[19:13] And he has tried to be more inclusive, including bringing in those people who have turned their backs away from Al-Shabaab and who are prepared to work with this government to do right by the Somali people. [* to do right by (someone) = to treat (someone) in a morally right fashion. ]
[21:18] Finally, Ambassador, in the time I have left, many African capitals do not like talk of a great game between the U.S., China and Russia in Africa. [* great gameの歴史上の意味 Great Game = The strategic rivalry and conflict between the British Empire and the Russian Empire for supremacy in Central Asia, mainly during the 19th century. (wiktionary) ]
[22:32] ローマ教皇 コンゴ訪問
[26:28] 共和党主導の下院 委員会がバイデン政権を調査
[30:30]★今日のおすすめ★ AP(成績優秀な高校生に大学レベルの履修をさせる)プログラム フロリダ州の政治介入
[30:54] GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): This course on Black history, what are -- what's one of the lessons about? Queer theory. [* queer theory = an approach to literary and cultural study that rejects traditional categories of gender and sexuality (Merriam-Webster)]
[31:10] And so when you look to see they have stuff about intersectionality, [*intersectionality = the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups (Merriam-Webster)] abolishing prisons, that's a political agenda.
[33:03] So, to press the point, last month, Ron DeSantis, other Republicans, the Florida Board of Education said that they rejected this course because it included things like a focus on the Black reparations movement [* 奴隷制度の被害者やその子孫に対して賠償を行うべきだとする運動] and Black queer theory.
[36:08] What's really great about this course is that we are connecting students to sources that they usually wouldn't find until they get to college. So, they have an opportunity to look at things from the Amistad case [* see: https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/amistad ], or to slave codes, [*slave code = any of several laws that regulated slavery (wiktionary)] the actual written documents.
[38:49] 銃暴力減らす住民投票 オレゴン州の取り組み
[39:38] This group called Lift Every Voice Oregon was behind a gun control ballot measure known as 114. [* ballot measure = 州の住民投票(案)。過半数の票が集まれば州法になる直接民主制のひとつ。代議員を選ぶ選挙では、一つの争点だけで誰に投票するか決めることは少ないので、それを補う役割を持つ。]
[42:41] I don't think that the government should say you have to do something to be able to exercise an amendment right. [* amendmentはこの場合、the Second Amendment(合衆国憲法修正第 2 条)のことで、銃所有などの権利を保障していると解釈されている。これがアメリカで銃規制が進まない大きな理由。 ]
[43:38] I say, start prosecuting the criminals. Start following up on red flag laws. [* red flag law = a gun control law permitting police or family members to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves.]
[46:50]★今日のおすすめ★ スペースシャトル・コロンビア号事故から20年
[47:17] Columbia, Houston, comm check. [* = communications check ]