

PBS NewsHour May 29, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:33]★今日のおすすめ★ バイデン大統領とマッカーシー下院議長が債務上限引き上げに原則合意 今後の焦点は関連法案(Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023)の議会通過 議会担当記者に聞く そのあと法案が通過したら経済にどのような影響をもたらすか専門家(Brookings InstitutionのDavid Wessel)に聞く

[02:56] LISA DESJARDINS: The Fiscal Responsibility Act [* 債務上限引き上げ交渉の中身を実現する法律の名前。もう少し正確には、Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 ] , 99 pages, but we're dealing with very big ideas here.

[04:08] President Biden was asked, why didn't he come out in public? Why isn't he crowing [* to crow = to brag 自慢する] about it more?

[04:27] LISA DESJARDINS: This is part of that needle they all have to thread [** < to thread the needle = 難しいことを成し遂げる ] .

[04:51] One thing that's in this bill that is not related directly to the debt is a Mountain Valley pipeline in West Virginia. Look at that. This is a controversial project that this bill would essentially fast-track [** to fast-track = to expedite or speed up some process ] . It's been waiting for years because environmentalists and some courts have opposed it as dangerous and not well-run.

[11:16] This doesn't really add any revenue, right, not that it was intended to, but it does claw back [** to claw back = to recover money that has been paid out or disbursed, especially by a government agency (thefreedictionary) ] some of that $80 billion that was intended for the IRS, which some estimates said could increase revenues.

[14:06] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[17:06]★今日のおすすめ★ トルコ大統領選決選投票 エルドアン(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)大統領再選 リポートのあと2人の専門家(Middle East InstituteのGonul TolとWilson CenterのJames Jeffrey)に聞く

[27:32] JAMES JEFFREY: First of all, as Gonul said, he has to get ahead of [** to get ahead of = to take preemptive action; to deter an anticipated unpleasant situation ] inflation.

[28:32] George Floyd暴行死のあと公立学校から警察を排除する動きがあったが、相次ぐ銃暴力で警察との関係を見直し  コロラド大学デンバー校のFranci Crepeau-Hobson教授に聞く

[28:30] AMNA NAWAZ: After the murder of George Floyd, school districts across the country reconsidered the presence of police in public schools. But, as these districts deal with the constant threat of school shootings three years later, many are opting to reverse course, bringing police and school resource officers [** = (US, law enforcement) A police officer stationed at a school, such as a high school (wiktionary) ] back on campus.

[34:24]★今日のおすすめ★ トランスジェンダーの若者の排除か保護か 共和党主導か民主党主導かで分かれる州の動き 各地の記者(ミズーリ州のGabrielle Hays、オクラホマ州のAdam Kemp、ミシガン州のFrances Wang)に聞く

[34:48] GEOFF BENNETT: Gabby, we will start with you in Missouri, where the state's attorney general has attempted to ban transition-related medical care [** transition = (LGBT) The process or act of changing from one gender role to another, or of bringing one's outward appearance in line with one's internal gender identity (wiktionary) ] .

[34:57] GABRIELLE HAYS: Attorney General Andrew Bailey withdrew his emergency ruling that he tried to put into place back in March. And, essentially, what he was trying to do was to use an emergency rule in order to effectively ban gender-affirming medical care for not only minors, but also adults. That move saw pushback almost immediately from the ACLU
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_Liberties_Union] ,
Lambda Legal
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_Legal ] ,
and other organizations.

[38:11] ADAM KEMP: And, Geoff, it's important to note that all major medical associations support gender-affirming care, saying that it not only helps those with gender dysphoria [** gender dysphoria = a profound and persistent unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's biological sex, experienced especially by transgender people (wiktionary). 性別違和感(『英辞郎』)] , but bans like this really can further harm those communities.

[38:28] The ACLU, as well as several families here in Oklahoma have already filed lawsuits saying that this violates their rights under the Equal Protection Act of the 14th Amendment [** 14th Amendment = 合衆国憲法修正第14条。民権の平等な保障および法による市民の平等な保護などに関する条項; 1868 年成立(『リーダーズ+プラス』) ] .

[40:31] メキシコ国境の街El Paso 1月から3.8万人の移民が到着 医療ボランティアの活動を現地からリポート

[44:40] 先住アメリカ人のファッション&アート

[47:11] KAOMI LEE: Today's focus on Native designers in art is an act of resilience to decades of cultural appropriation [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_appropriation ] by non-Native companies.

[50:54] 戦没将兵記念日(Memorial Day)追悼式典

[50:52] AMNA NAWAZ: On this Memorial Day, we hear from the president, secretary of defense and the chair of the Joint Chiefs. They all participated in the annual commemoration of this solemn day at Arlington National Cemetery and spoke of sacrifice, remembrance, grief, and the last full measure of devotion [** < to give the last full measure of devotion = being willing to die to give their lives out of love and devotion to the country.   see also: https://www.microblife.in/what-does-lincoln-mean-when-he-says-soldiers-gave-the-last-full-measure-of-devotion/#what-dies-the-last-full-measure-of-devotion-mean ] so many have given so that the United States might endure.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

