
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.19]

PBS News Weekend Feb. 18, 2023



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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:56] ウクライナ戦争 現地からのリポート

[07:27] 今日のその他のニュース

[10:52]★今日のおすすめ★ 小児期のトラウマで脳の構造が変化

[11:52] This is a multi-site longitudinal study [* 多くの場所で長期的に行われた研究] happening across the United States.

[13:12] It's hard to say exactly, from this study, what that translates to, but we know from the literature that lower gray matter volume in regions like prefrontal cortex [* 前頭前皮質、前頭葉前部皮質] like we saw here are associated with, again, psychiatric disorders like PTSD, depression and anxiety.

[15:08] It's a relatively restricted age range, only about 9 to 10 years old. So, we really want to look and see at earlier ages, further out ages [*さらにその後の年齢], what might be happening over time.

[15:19] Because of the way that racism and structural racism can interact differently for separate racial/ethnic groups, we really want to bring on more researchers with expertise in these areas before we go digging around and try to figure out what's happening there. [* structural racism = 構造的人種差別 Structural racism refers to the totality of ways in which societies foster racial discrimination through mutually reinforcing systems of housing, education, employment, earnings, benefits, credit, media, health care and criminal justice. (AMA)]

[15:49] There seems to be this idea that people are essentially different and I think what we're really showing here is that a really huge part of what's different between black and white kids is that they're exposed to disproportionate burden of adversity [* 逆境]. And, it's really hard for everyone to be playing on the same field and having the same outcomes when the game is rigged against some people. [* < rigged game = 不正に仕組まれた試合、八百長ゲーム rigged = pre-arranged and fixed so that the winner or outcome is decided in advance.]

[16:25] 認知症の人の家族介護者に必要なサポート

[18:07] It turns out when caregivers [介護をする人。介護者] are stressed out [ 疲れ切った。ストレスで参った。], that stress translates into greater probability of a behavioral reaction-- lesser ability to connect and communicate, a greater possibility of an attempt to elope [* (この文脈では認知症の人が無断で)家から出て行ってしまうこと。逃げ出すこと。(少し意訳すれば)徘徊する], which then just perpetuates the problem.

[20:56]★今日のおすすめ★ 2月は黒人歴史月間:Phillip Reed 自由を象徴する鋳像を作った奴隷

[23:19] By some accounts, Reed designed the pulley system [*滑車装置] used to hoist the statue to the top of the dome. Other historians say no contemporary [*その時代の belonging to the same period of time ] evidence supports that claim.

[23:50] After Emancipation,[*奴隷解放] Reed stayed in Washington and worked as a plasterer.[*しっくい職人、左官]

[24:09] The very first cemetery where he's buried closes a few years after his passing. So, he's disinterred [* to disinter 墓から死体を掘り出す] and moved out to Columbian Harmony Cemetery, a massive burial ground for African Americans in Washington, D.C.

[24:35] That's one of the main reasons that these stories like this need to be recovered to show that black people had a very heavy hand -- literally had a hand in [* to have a hand in = 参加する、貢献する to contribute to, participate in] the founding of the nation.[*建国、国の創建]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
