

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour March 20, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[02:17] GEOFF BENNETT: The law gives state officials the power to arrest migrants whom they believe crossed into the U.S. illegally. After a Supreme Court ruling yesterday allowed Texas to enforce the law, a federal appeals court put it back on hold and a three-judge panel heard arguments today on whether it should be enforced.
AMNA NAWAZ: Gaige Davila from Texas Public Radio has been covering all of this and joins me now. So, Gaige, the last 24 hours have really been legal whiplash for this law known as S.B.4. As we speak now, where do things stand with the law and its implementation?

[30:27] AMNA NAWAZ: Beijing criticized the West today for questioning Hong Kong's new national security law known as Article 23. The once mostly autonomous city is now led by legislators entirely handpicked by Beijing, who swept aside years of concerns by pro-democracy advocates to pass the bill in record time. Critics say the legislation is a death blow to whatever independence the city still had.

[40:51] JOHN YANG: Amna, a federal judge in Mississippi has just handed down the harshest sentence yet in a startling case of law enforcement misconduct, 40 years in prison for the fourth former deputy in the self-proclaimed Goon Squad in the Rankin County, Mississippi, Sheriff's Department. A total of six former deputies have pleaded guilty. Federal prosecutors say that, for nearly two decades, they barged into homes in the middle of the night, handcuffing and torturing occupants for information or confessions. The current charges stem from a January 2023 home invasion of the residents of Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker. The officers repeatedly shocked them with Tasers, sexually assaulted them with a sex toy and shot Jenkins in the face, nearly killing him.




下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。

  • legal whiplash

  • solvent

  • racial profiling

  • crunch of the weekend

  • take rate on EVs

  • on net

  • conditioning

  • dislocation

  • dedication


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