
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.02☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Weekend

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend Sept. 1, 2024

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[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[06:17] We've moved, you know, to generics, [laughter] except for my strawberries, Smucker's strawberry preserves. That's my one -- that's my one luxury.

[** generics = (in this context) private-label products or store-brand products ]

[08:46] We also know that one in four households carry debt across their energy bills, and approximately one in five households engage in this kind of bill balancing that you heard about just a minute ago, where one might pay down one energy bill or one mortgage bill, for example, one month, and then pay down a different bill the next month. And approximately one in five households have to forego paying for food in order to pay their utility bills.

[** carry debt across their energy bills = (in this context) to have multiple unpaid energy bills; to accumulate debt from several energy bills over time ]

[** bill balancingとは何かの説明。説明は上の通り ]

[10:58] SANYA CARLEY: Sure. I like to think of these in three bins, if you will. The first is kind of preventative measures. The second is more emergency relief, and the third is more of kind of long-term maintenance.

[** bin = (in this context) a category or a group ]

[14:55] >> Part of the reasoning behind us doing this work is because for you guys it is a golden opportunity to see your children, to interface with them, to see your daughters and spend time with them.

[** interface = to interact; to connect ]

[15:51] But it was beautiful to see how quickly these fathers wanted to talk, and this was a very rare opportunity to bond about their children and talk about their own childhood and potentially their own fatherhood wounds.

[** The father wound is an unresolved trauma between father and child that occurs when a person’s father is absent or abusive. It’s important to recognize that both a physical or emotional absence can cause a father wound. For example, a dad leaving when you were a young child can cause a father wound. Likewise, if your dad was abusive, manipulative, highly critical, or emotionally unavailable, this can also lead to a father wound...
https://www.attachmentproject.com/psychology/father-wound/ ]

[17:42] What we understand in doing this work is it's family bonding, family unification, strengthening everyone. We understand that there is disappointment, heartache, anger, and how we need to address that is by creating a safe and brave space for the mothers as well.

[** safe and brave space = an environment where individuals feel secure enough to openly express themselves and confront difficult issues with courage and honesty. //
see also:
https://generation.global/assets/resources/mooc/safe-and-brave-space.pdf ]

[18:26] NATALIE RAE: I was really moved by how much the girls wanted to share, and really the film took on their spirit very quickly.

[** take on = (in this context) to begin to exhibit or reflect ]

[13:32] Our importance to our fathers as we grow up as young women, that relationship does impact what we pull into our lives, what we think about ourselves, what we know love to be.

[** One interpretation of "that relationship does impact what we pull into our lives" would be "The nature of a daughter’s relationship with her father influences the type of people or things she invites into her life." ]

There were so many good men living in boxcars, sheds, whatever they can make out of the elements.

[** In this context, "make out of the elements" likely refers to making something using whatever materials or resources are available in their surroundings. ]



  • energy insecurity/ household energy insecurity

  • build up to/ How difficult is it for mothers to build up to this and then just sort of send their daughters in and go off somewhere else?

  • lay down the law

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テレビ(NBC News ABC News ・Sky News ・Sesame Street



