■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour April 29, 2024
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[15:21] Charlie Eaton is assistant professor of sociology at the University of California, Merced. He's also the author of the book "Bankers in the Ivory Tower."
[31:42] TAMARA KEITH: Well, Nikki Haley hasn't actually said anything. She hasn't yet endorsed Trump. Ron DeSantis endorsed Trump as soon as he dropped out of the race. And I do think it is interesting to continue to watch Nikki Haley voters and what happens with them. But we have been saying all along that Republicans, especially professional Republicans who want to continue to be professional Republicans, they're going to fall in line.
[34:19] But he just, since Super Tuesday, has not been campaigning in a way that you would expect from someone who's turning towards the general election. And that also goes to television ads, where the Biden campaign is just vastly outspending Trump. Now, what they say, what the Trump campaign says is, he earns media. He just gets it. He doesn't have to pay for it.
[40:58] What is the Pit in Germany and what is Project Maven and how did the U.S. share a version with Ukraine?
DAVID SANGER: The Pit is a place. It's an intelligence-sharing operation between the U.S., the British, and the Ukrainians, although they go through this sort of odd dance because President Biden, in his effort to keep the U.S. from being a direct participant in the war, has mandated that the United States could not give exact targeting data to the Ukrainians. So, in the Pit, they sort of say, well, kind of look generally over here, or we think there's interesting activity here. Project Maven is a project for integrating all of this data. It's a way of seeing on what the Pentagon calls a single plate of glass, all of what the military activity is of the enemy and also of your own forces.
[49:39] BOBBY CARTER: He was like: "Hey, I'm going to get behind the desk. I'm going to have three background singers, all of which you know. And I'm going to get behind the desk, and I'm going to run through all the hits." That show was a flex, but also he flexed on the time because he went way over, but who the hell is going to tell Babyface to stop?
[50:51] I'm convinced that you can draw a line between Usher's resurgence and him booking that Super Bowl halftime show to his meme-making performance here at "Tiny Desk."
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下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。
Gulf Cooperation Council
to go up/ Tensions again at a boiling point today, with State Troopers arresting students at the University of Texas at Austin after an encampment went up
Title VI civil rights laws
to divest from something
equitable/ the NYU endowment could be invested and yield equitable returns
Research and Analysis Wing
Rorschach test
to pick back up/ we know that his hush money trial in New York will pick back up tomorrow
to battle-test something
autotune/ rapper and autotune pioneer T-Pain
unsigned musician
to put a fire under something or someone
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