
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.01☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Weekend

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend August 31, 2024

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[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[05:56] CORA LEWIS: Sure, so the fees typically work in that they take place when parents are transferring money to their students' school lunch accounts. So it's not at the point of sale, it's when parents are loading up their kids for the week or for the school year. And when the transaction fees can be as high as $3.25 a transaction or four or five percent, those really add up over the course of a year.

[** load up their kids = (in this context) to recharge or add funds to their children's school lunch accounts ]

[07:08] CORA LEWIS: Yeah, so I think you mentioned people who qualify for free or reduced lunch end up paying a disproportionate amount of fees, despite qualifying for what should be subsidized meals. So there are these ways in which you're really penalized for not having enough money to work the system.

[** work the system = (in this context) to navigate the system efficiently; to make the most of the system's rules and process. ]

[07:55] CORA LEWIS: Yes. So, technically, the fee-free option should be available at every public school district. You should be able to pay by cash or by check, but these payment processors, they really have a captive audience because it's just massively inconvenient to have to walk over to the school office and write a check or pay by cash, especially when you might be a family that already doesn't have the time or the money to take on another logistical challenge.

[** captive audience = A person or people who are unable to leave a place or situation and are thus forced to listen to or watch something; (in this context) a group of people who have few options and are thus obliged to use a particular service ]



  • carry/ So it's funny because you don't really see a lot of arguments against these requirements, but you don't really see anyone carrying this issue so that it has become law.

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