《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.18☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 17, 2024
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[06:25] NICK SCHIFRIN: Sinwar grew up in Khan Yunis and helped found Hamas as its chief enforcer. In 1998, Israel arrested him, and over 23 years in detention, he learned Hebrew, studied Israeli society, and even received lifesaving surgery in an Israeli hospital.
[** chief enforcer = a person responsible for ensuring discipline, maintaining order, and enforcing decisions within an organization, often through the use of force or intimidation. ]
[09:50] In Gaza, interestingly, there's a significant group of people who appear to be delighted with his (Sinwar's ) passing, because they blame him rightly for having volunteered the entire population for martyrdom.
[22:37] An official autopsy confirmed Payne suffered multiple traumas after falling from his hotel balcony in Buenos Aires yesterday. The hotel had called 911 about a guest overwhelmed with drugs and alcohol.
[** overwhelmed = (in this context) being in a state of extreme distress or incapacitation ]
[23:35] And Mitzi Gaynor, the acting, singing and dancing triple threat of Hollywood's golden age of musicals, has died.
[25:35] KAMALA HARRIS: This moment gives us an opportunity to finally end the war in Gaza. And it must end such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination.
[** such that = (in this context) in a way that; so that ]
[38:58] AMNA NAWAZ: Carol, it's a pretty blunt assessment of the Secret Service failures that led to a gunman being able to take eight shots at former President Trump at that Pennsylvania rally. In the report, they list an absence of critical thinking, a lack of ownership.
[** ownership = (in this context) willingness to take responsibility for one's actions, decisions, and their consequences; willingness to own the problem as their own. ]
[42:46] But it's also an agency that has become more interested in covering up problems than in identifying them and fixing them, a culture that doesn't like to let anybody inside, for fear that somebody will discover how much of a sort of hall of mirrors and smoke it is.
[44:51] Secondarily, I think, on the issue of climate change and why she doesn't drill into it that much, is that I think her campaign believes that, if you're a climate change voter and that really matters to you, you're already in her camp because of the things you mentioned, historic legislation, first of its kind in American history.
[45:12] So, as you mentioned, she does talk about it. But, for instance, in her DNC speech, climate change was one clause in one sentence, and that was it. She often talks about it, as you say, as an economic issue. She has said it's a crisis. She has said it is urgent that we deal with it, but let's take a listen to how she couches this issue.
[** couch = to express or present in a certain manner ]
[48:53] He (Trump) has repeatedly said he is up for more and more oil and gas drilling, the famous "Drill, baby, drill," although the U.S., as we mentioned, is already pumping out record amounts of oil and gas.
[49:20] The Project 2025, the famous Heritage Foundation project, which Trump has said, I'm not a part of, that's not me, even though it was written largely by people from his administration, they have laid out a very detailed energy and climate plan. And it is basically to abolish all climate-related actions by the federal government. It will roll back the incentives within the Inflation Reduction Act. How much of that Trump could do if he was elected is unclear. He would need Congress and the Senate to do that. And, interestingly, in the Inflation Reduction Act, a lot of money has been seeded into Republican districts, into Republican states, and a lot of those local leaders love federal funding for a new battery manufacturing plant and all the jobs that that comes.
[** seed = to provide as seed money // seed money = money used to set up a new business venture ]
juice/ to juice turnout
fold/ an agency that has a ton of patriots in its fold
reckon with/ Harris, likely because she doesn't want to be seen as attacking domestic energy production, doesn't really reckon with this
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