

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour April 1, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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下の有料部分で、実際に英語音声を聞いて訂正した字幕ファイルがダウンロードできます。「今日の注目語句」や「その他の語句」の説明もあります (「その他の語句」の説明は字幕ファイル内)。辞書の説明では分かりにくい場合、文脈の中でどういう意味で使われているか説明しています。自分で語句を調べるより圧倒的に時間の節約になると思いますし、調べても分からない表現の意味が分かるかもしれません。



[06:35] GEOFF BENNETT: For the last decade, American diplomatic law enforcement and intelligence personnel have suffered grievous, often life-altering injuries in the line of duty. No guns or bombs or rockets were involved. Many say they felt attacked by sound. That's debilitating waves of sound and pressure that have left them with traumatic brain injuries, vertigo and other physical ailments grouped under the government designation of anomalous health incidents. You may know it by a different name, Havana Syndrome. Last evening, CBS News' "60 Minutes" [* see also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COWTBEl1rRc ] reported more on this story and assigned blame to a foreign adversary of the U.S., Russia.

[23:27] AMNA NAWAZ: So, today's bill takes one really big step when it comes to surrogacy. It lifts a ban on compensated surrogacy that's been in place in Michigan since 1988.

[27:49] President Biden has done the same, whether it is putting resources into ensuring that we are rebuilding our infrastructure, to onshoring supply chains, to making sure that people are respected and protected under the law. This president has delivered on those fundamentals.


それでも分からない場合、下の有料部分に語句説明があります。辞書の定義では分かりにくい時は、文脈の中でどのような意味で使われているかを説明しています。説明はほとんどすべて英語で書いています (英語は英語のまま理解することを習慣にしましょう)。


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • Quds Force

  • to inform/ You have said that you are confident that Russia is behind these attacks. What informs that confidence?

  • to go off of/ I just went off of a large body of open-source reporting

  • to gaslight

  • Moscow Signal

  • directed-energy weapon (DEW)

  • FOIA

  • to field/ Look at the comments that he made in September about fielding more directed energy weapons

  • Easter egg roll

  • to draft/ When these ships, like the Dali, come into the Port of Baltimore, they're drafting 48-and-a-half feet

  • lip/ We have to move the Dali. That's right on the lip of that federal navigation channel

  • to take forward/ we have gone back and looked at lessons learned and things that we can take forward to this mission

  • DHHS

  • blue wall

  • stretch/ They do not mention Florida anymore. The farthest they go is to say that they're still planning to compete in North Carolina. Florida was always a stretch

  • war on poverty

  • studio art

  • in the bag

  • reverence/ I made pieces that were a little bit of reverence and tongue in cheek and funny

  • confection

  • New York System Wiener

  • all the way

  • comfort food

  • to format/ First, he creates an image, formats it on his computer, prints and laminates the canvas

  • to chill/ if you want to be left alone, if you want to chill, low-key evening...

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上の「字幕ファイルの作り方」のようにすれば、自分で作ることが出来ます (自分で作ればもちろん無料。その場合、もとの字幕の誤りはそのままになります)。




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