今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.03]
PBS NewsHour Feb. 2, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:09] 主要ニュースまとめ
[07:54]★今日のおすすめ★ 対中国でフィリピンと合意
[12:41] 戦争犯罪追求と国内の汚職撲滅 ウクライナ検事総長に聞く
[20:00] 急増する交通事故死
[23:43]★今日のおすすめ★ 交通事故対策をPete Buttigieg運輸長官に聞く
[24:14] PETE BUTTIGIEG: I do think that there's a disconnect between the amount of damage, harm and death that's happening on our roadways and the amount of attention that it gets. If this were happening in any other mode of transportation, air travel, for example, America would be up in arms. [* up in arms = Extremely upset; indignant.]
[30:07]★今日のおすすめ★ 共和党の優先課題とは Chip Roy下院議員に聞く
[31:10] The fact is, about 65 percent of Americans said they don't want to see a so-called clean debt ceiling increase.[*clean = https://note.com/wgc888/n/n8ef5c5549479#bb95c1bd-e3a1-4a87-989b-df92b4afde05 ]
[32:28] What I am is a believer that we should stand up for the American people who sent us here to change the place and not just say, hey, we're going to just lift the dead ceiling. You don't get to do that at home. I don't get to do that at home. The American businessman or businesswoman right now watching this don't get to do that. So why don't we do it? We ought to change the way things work around here. That was part of what the speaker's debate was about in early January. [* 下院議長選びで共和党が内輪もめしたことを指している]
[33:28] This legislation does one thing, enforce current law to say that we have to detain for the entirety of the duration of an adjudication of a claim, an asylum claim, or turn away, like we do under current Title 42 law during a pandemic.[* Title 42 = Title 42 is a part of U.S. law that deals with public health, social welfare and civil rights. It gives the federal government the ability to take emergency action to keep communicable diseases out of the country. (NBC News) 実際には、パンデミックを理由に、移民の流入を防ぐ手段として使われているとされる。]
[36:49] But just like Harry Reid opened up the filibuster, and guess what's now on the Supreme Court, they opened the door last time by playing this game. We told them it was a mistake. Now they're feeling the consequences of that mistake.[* 以前は上院の判事承認にfilibuster(長演説による議事妨害)が使えたので、判事承認には60票が必要だった。しかし、民主党のHarry Reid前上院院内総務が、民主党が多数派だった時、上院の規則変更で判事承認にfilibusterを使えないようにした。その後、共和党が上院多数派になり、大統領も共和党のトランプになった時、3人の保守派判事を最高裁に送り込むことが出来た。その結果、最高裁が大きく保守に傾いた。その経緯を指す。filibusterについては前に説明しています ]
[37:16] 民主党大統領候補の予備選 開催順序変更の是非
[42:09] South Carolina is home to six HBCUs, [* HBCU = historically black college or university]
[46:27] Ben PlattとNoah Galvinの俳優カップルへのインタビュー
[50:44] which is how vital these places have been for us growing up and they are for young people, queer young people, young people on the spectrum, [* spectrum < autism spectrum] all different kinds of young people who find ways to express themselves through theater.
[51:13] AMNA NAWAZ: You are recently engaged.
BEN PLATT: We are.
AMNA NAWAZ: Mazel tov. [* = (in a Jewish context) Used to express congratulations or good wishes, especially at weddings. (wiktionary)]