今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.23]
PBS NewsHour Feb. 22, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[01:59] 今日の主要ニュースまとめ
[02:56] A massive winter storm is bearing down on [* to bear down on 迫ってくる。襲い掛かる] a huge swathe of the Western and Northern U.S. It's threatening historic snowfall, strong winds, and bitter cold temperatures.
[03:51] Our ask [* ask = something asked or asked for (wiktionary) お願いしたいこと。求めること。要請すること] to all residents is that you prepare now. That means limiting nonessential travel and working from home whenever possible. It means making sure that we have essential supplies, including food and medicine, for the week.
[04:14] Some are predicting record snowfall in the Golden State [* カリフォルニア州], even at lower elevations.[* 平地でも。標高が高くないところでも]
[04:23] DANIEL SWAIN, Climate Scientist, UCLA: The widespread nature of the potential for sea level snow is unusual. It's almost a slam dunk [* = something that is certain to occur 確実なこと。確実に起きること ] (that) there will probably be snowflakes at sea level and significant snow even up at 1,000 feet.
[04:43] Prosecutors in California today charged the man suspected of killing a Roman Catholic Bishop with murder. Auxiliary Bishop [* = a bishop who functions as another bishop's deputy] David O'Connell was shot to death Saturday in his home east of Los Angeles.
[07:48]★今日のおすすめ★ ウクライナ戦争1周年 ロシアの攻撃が激化する前線からリポート
[08:38] Our guide calls ahead [* 前もって連絡する。前もって電話する] about our position using code words. They refer to us as ants.
[09:20] Trees may conceal, but don't protect from the incoming. [* =(military) Enemy fire directed at oneself] The trench is the safest defense.
[09:45] He joined the military in 2014 after the initial Russian invasion. He was recalled [* to recall = to call back to a specific place, station etc (この文脈では)再び召集する ] a year ago this week.
[10:18] Ukraine's infantry is tasked with the always vital, sometimes terrifying mission of holding the line. Not all of them have made it. [* to make it = to survive ]
[12:02] Until new weapons arrive, all this unit can do is use its armor like it uses its trenches, to hold the line [* to hold the line = to maintain the current position or situation] against a larger Russian force.
[13:13] The commander is a 46-year-old whose call sign is Kalina [* セイヨウカンボク(ガマズミの仲間)], a berry on Ukraine's coat of arms.[* 紋章]
[13:59] I'm not young. I'm not fit for the army.[* fit for = …に適した健康状態である。fit =in good shape; physically well ] I thought they would just train me and let me go home. But it all happened in a very different way. And now we're here.]
[14:38] The next day, we headed to the outskirts of Russia's primary goal, Bakhmut. U.S. officials downplay the city's importance, and have raised with Ukraine falling back to higher ground [* to raise something(A) with someone(B) BにAを提案する。Bに対してAの話を持ち出す][* to fall back = to retreat 退却する、撤退する] to defend larger cities.
[15:23] They are sending their soldiers as cannon fodder.[* cannon fodder = soldiers considered to be expendable.砲弾の餌食、消耗品扱いの兵士] We target their equipment and their soldiers, but they keep coming and coming and keep dying and dying and even then keep coming and coming.
[17:23] 2024年大統領選 最新世論調査から見えること
[17:23] With less than a year until the first primaries of the 2024 presidential contest, the battle lines are becoming clearer, and so is the field of candidates.[* 候補者の顔ぶれ。field = 競技参加者全員]
[20:37] Ohio businessman, founded a pharmaceutical company and investment firm as well. He's running on what he says his anti-wokism.[* < woke = aware of social justice issues; (in some cases) holding progressive views or attitudes. see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke]
[23:24]★今日のおすすめ★ Elizabeth Warren上院議員へのインタビュー 移民制度変更、ジャンク料金、年金財源、学資ローン免除など
[23:33] In President Biden's State of the Union address earlier this month, he pledged to tackle something long on Warren's issue list [* 課題リスト], junk fees [* 不当な追加料金。あれこれ加算される不明朗な馬鹿げた料金。この後、例がいろいろ出てくる ].
[26:19] I do want to ask you about junk fees, [* junk fee の例がこのあといろいろ出てくる] which we know President Biden raised in his State of the Union address. There does seem to be shared bipartisan frustration over things like families having to pay more for -- to fly together, have seats together or paying too much for Taylor Swift concert tickets. Is there a bill, though? That's the question. Is there a bill and can it get through a divided Congress? SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN: Well, so I'm going to push back on this just a little bit. I'm not sure we need a bill for much of this. I want to applaud the agencies that are starting to step up in this area. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has stepped up and said, what do you mean you're charging $30 for a late credit card fee -- credit card payment? There's not much additional risk associated with that. I think that should be down around $8.
[32:20] ニカラグア 多くの政治犯を国外追放 その1人にインタビュー
[41:45]★今日のおすすめ★ 岐路に立つアメリカ:分断の原因と解決策を探るシリーズの第1回 分断の現状
[52:14] JUDY WOODRUFF: And this is what I will be diving into over the next two years, trying to better understand the roots of our disagreements, where policy differences end and where what you might call identity politics [* = politics in which groups of people having a particular racial, religious, ethnic, social, or cultural identity tend to promote their own specific interests or concerns without regard to the interests or concerns of any larger political group] begin, and asking Americans from all walks of life how we can move forward towards solutions.