
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.19☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 18, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。初歩レベル以外で日本語に訳して理解する人は、英語を話せるようにはなりません (会話の途中で英-->日、日-->英の翻訳を繰り返す時間はありません)。また、基本的な英文法は別として、重箱の隅をつつくような英文法で英語を理解しようとするのは時間の無駄です (実際の英語は教科書の文法では不適切とされる表現であふれています。言葉の法則をまとめたのが文法である以上、文法が現実に追いついていないだけで、問題なのは文法の方です)。もう一つ確実に言えることは、英語を話せない人に英語を習っても、話せるようにはなりません (言葉を話せない人に言葉を習って話せるようになるはずがありません)。どこかの国の英語教育の話みたいですね。


[03:39] LISA DESJARDINS: And told stories of growing up poor in Ohio raised by his grandmother, Mamaw.
SEN. J.D. VANCE: Now, my Mamaw died shortly before I left for Iraq in 2005. And when we went through her things, we found 19 loaded handguns.

[05:47] LISA DESJARDINS: They read and the convention floor repeated the names of the 13 military personnel killed. Some lifted up. Others threw punches.

[07:20] LISA DESJARDINS: But he also talked political shop about recent poll gains, indicating he wants President Biden as his opponent.

[07:27] DONALD TRUMP: But the polls, the worst polls are very good. So we don't want them to be too good, because, if they're too good, maybe this guy doesn't run. We want him to run. And I say that, but I'm also willing to take on second and third and fourth.

[11:42] Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer told President Biden of concerns by other senators that he cannot win and that it could help Democrats in deeper ways.

[14:20] One other Democratic lawmaker that I was talking to today, Amna, said that they were getting calls from big Democratic donors in -- over the past few days saying that they want President Biden to step aside. And those donors were telling that lawmaker that there should be an open convention.

[21:03] AMNA NAWAZ: To Geoff's point on the idea of debate within the party right now, though, we haven't heard a lot of policy articulated just yet. I understand it's a convention and more of a rally. But there -- it's clear to say there's some daylight on issues.

[25:29] If, on the other hand -- and the polling has gotten better over the course of the summer -- he wins, then it's hard for me to see how we lose the House. And I think we will expand our majority. That would be helpful. We need a little padding out there so we can -- one or two people can't overturn the whole apple cart.

[27:50] GEOFF BENNETT: In your view, how would a Donald Trump govern if he is reelected? Because Democrats, as you well know, paint him as an existential threat to the great American experiment.

[29:52] I think President Trump will use his authority aggressively. Again, that's not much different. President Obama talked about a phone and a pen.

[37:34] ANTHONY CANGELOSI: Look, as part of the planning stages, the Secret Service is coordinating with the local police department. And communication is always a critical aspect of that preplanning stage. You have got to try to get everybody on the same sheet, so as what their duties and responsibilities are.

[53:22] RORY TOMPKINS, Wisconsin Resident: I do feel the country is very divided. Both sides, they're playing the people. And I feel that, if they keep us divided, it keeps our focus off of what they're doing.



  • applause line

  • crisp/ was communication crisp to the Secret Service command post?

  • protective intelligence

  • countersurveillance

  • drummed up/ Gershkovich faces espionage charges that his employer and the U.S. government say were drummed up

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