
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.06.24☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Weekend

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend June 23, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • Wiktionary

  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[04:23] On any given day in the United States, more than 400,000 children are living in foster care. And each year, nearly 20,000 of them become adults too old for the system. That leaves them without the support of a guardian or government assistance. In Arizona, lawmakers have passed and sent to the governor a measure creating a pilot program to help teenagers in foster care find safe and permanent homes before they age out.

[09:51] The bipartisan PACT Act is the largest expansion of veterans benefits in a generation, including care for veterans exposed to burn pits. Some 3.5 million people could benefit and the program could near a trillion dollars in spending.

[13:14] Anybody, whether it's the VFW, a county service officer, an accredited agent or attorney, or any one of these claim sharks, once they submit your claim for you, it goes into VA. And VA adjudicates that as they come in, first come, first served.

[15:17] They'll ask a veteran in California to speak to a mental health professional in South Carolina. 30 minutes later, they get what's called a nexus letter for PTSD for someone they've never spoken to. VA is rejecting those. So they're sending people to doctors often in their own networks that they have financial ties with. And the appointments are worth the paper they're written on because VA is just rejecting them outright.

[21:38] So, you're going to put oysters in a cage, and then you're going to have a rope, and you're going to tie it to the outside part of a pier. And, naturally, if you were to drop these cages in, while they're tied up, they're going to be just kind of in the water. Honestly, when it comes to maintaining or taking care of, once a week is fine, just to shake the cages and to get the critters out, because they are seen as a food source to other animals. Once I'm done with the oyster gardening, they are dumped out into another area, and they start to become their own reef.

[22:23] So, I found out about this through my Girl Scout troop, specificly from my Girl Scout leader. So, there's a thing called a silver award, and you have to do a project for your community, something community-based, and she just kind of put it up in the air. She's like, hey, you can do oyster gardening at my pier, and I was like, okay, I'll do it. Like, it doesn't sound too bad.


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  • THC

  • VFW

  • DAV

  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill

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