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■ 英語字幕ファイルのダウンロード
[PBS NewsHour Aug. 11, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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■ 動画サイトへのリンク
[00:00] Introduction
[02:03] Why people in Maui were caught off guard by the deadly wildfires
[05:41] STEPHANIE SY: The aftermath of the disaster has left Maui to grapple with physical and emotional scars. But the spirit of aloha [** ALOHA = "Akahai", meaning kindness to be expressed with tenderness; "Lōkahi", meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony; "ʻOluʻolu" meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness; "Haʻahaʻa", meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty; "Ahonui", meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance. https://www.hawaii.edu/uhwo/clear/home/lawaloha.html ] is alive.
[11:01] News Wrap
[11:14] U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan agreed to a limited protective order [** protective order = In litigation, an order that prevents the disclosure of sensitive information except to certain individuals under certain conditions. https://www.upcounsel.com/legal-def-protective-order 秘密保持命令 ] banning Mr. Trump from publicly disclosing sensitive evidence in the case. She said that will help protect witnesses and prevent interference in the trial.
[14:38] What the special counsel appointment means for the Hunter Biden case
[15:27] JOHN YANG: Later, Weiss said in a court filing that prosecutors and defense attorneys in Hunter Biden's tax and gun case are at an impasse and are not in agreement on either a plea agreement or a diversion agreement [** diversion programに関する合意 // diversion program = 以前の番組に出てきました ] . So, on those charges, Hunter Biden may be headed for trial.
[21:14] Supreme Court blocks Purdue Pharma bankruptcy plan shielding owners from lawsuits
[27:15] GOP presidential candidates try to win over voters at the Iowa State Fair
[30:33] And there are two names that I keep hearing more and more, one, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. His name has come up from a number of voters here today, saying they are considering him. Why? They like his Midwestern sensibility. They think he's a can-do guy, not a career politician, someone who's had success in North Dakota, and has a very straightforward message. They don't see him as a bomb thrower [** A “bomb thrower” is used metaphorically to describe a person — often a politician or political operative — who uses provocative, inflammatory, or extreme rhetoric to disrupt the status quo or incite controversy. https://politicaldictionary.com/words/bomb-thrower/ ] . They see him as someone who could compete with Joe Biden.
[33:31] Brooks and Capehart on the appointment of a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case
[35:50] DAVID BROOKS: And so it may be we don't get to experience the Iowa experience because Trump is just going to just bigfoot [** to bigfoot = to behave in an commanding manner; to dominate] it.
[40:21] AMNA NAWAZ: I want to ask you both too about your takeaways from a big special election that I don't know if many people expected it would be as big as it was in Ohio this week during the summer, in a nonelection year. [** Ohio Issue 1のこと。以前の番組で詳しく取り上げています。 選挙結果 ] Hundreds of thousands of people turned out because abortion rights were ostensibly on the ballot. Ohioans voted not to allow a threshold change that would have made it harder to enshrine abortion rights later in November in the state Constitution.