
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.21☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 20, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[03:58] JOE BIDEN: Let me know in my heart when my days are through. America, America, I gave my best to you.
JOE BIDEN: I made a lot of mistakes in my career. But I gave my best to you. For 50 years, like many of you, I have given my heart and soul to our nation.

[05:53] HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON: I wish my mother and Kamala's mother could see us. They would say, keep going. Women fighting for reproductive health care are saying, keep going. Families buildings better lives, parents stretching to afford childcare, young people struggling to pay their rent, they're all asking us to keep going.

[18:46] SEN. RICHARD DURBIN: Listen, Gary is our quarterback when it comes to electing and retaining a Democratic majority in the Senate. So I stand by his analysis. He's got much better information than I have.

[21:43] AMNA NAWAZ: This is something that the Harris/Walz ticket wants to work in as sort of creating a permission structure to show people...
AMNA NAWAZ: ... you don't have to be a Democrat to support us right now.

[24:57] And I think it's because people just want, like, team normal. They just want practical, reasonable people who are willing to work across the aisle and have that push and pull, as good Americans do, right? That two-party system has worked for us for a long time, but it's out of whack right now.

[28:56] In its final report, the commission found that the local sheriff's office could have taken Card into custody earlier under the state's yellow flag law and that the Army Reserves did not provide Card proper mental health care or address his possession of multiple weapons.

[30:02] And we have a unique passing of note. The woman who was believed to be the world's oldest person has died. Maria Branyas was born in San Francisco in 1907. That's a decade before the United States entered World War I. Her family moved to Spain when she was young, and she died there at a nursing home in the Catalan town of Olot. Her social media account called her -- quote -- "Super Catalan Grandma" with a bio that read: "I am old, very old, but not an idiot." She was 117 years old. According to the Gerontology Research Group, her passing leaves Tomiko Itooka of Japan as the new oldest living person. She is 116.

[37:14] The more that she couches what is happening at the border as a Western Hemispheric issue and that we need more people involved, not just government, but our Canadian friends, our Mexican friends, our Colombian friends, for example, and great business, then we could have a conversation with the American people of, how do you actually talk about the undocumented people that have been here for 20, 30 years?

[51:11] if you got the old booster, it'll provide some protection, but it's not nearly as well aligned with the new one. So it would have been great if that new one had been ready much earlier when this wave got its roots many weeks ago, but we still have a few weeks to go.



  • such that

  • straight up

  • saequela

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