《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.11.08☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Nov. 7, 2024
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[43:11] AMNA NAWAZ: It's also worth pointing out Mr. Kennedy's background is not in medicine or in science or in public health. It's in environmental law. He's reportedly said that president-elect Trump promised him control of public health agencies. And Mr. Trump himself recently said that he would let Kennedy -- quote, unquote -- "go wild" on this issue.
[** go wild = (in this context) to act freely or without restrictions; to do unconventional or radical things ]
[45:49] JEFFREY BROWN: Juggling isn't part of most medical visits, but it is for 73-year-old Larry Ravitz, who's been living with Parkinson's disease for the past 18 years.
MAN: And you're able to play your instrument also.
JEFFREY BROWN: And why not? So is some Charlie Parker on the sax, all part of the routine when he goes for regular checkups with the doctor who's been seeing him from the beginning.
[** some Charlie Parker = (in this context) some pieces of Charlie Parker's music ]
[47:43] JEFFREY BROWN: You have had to live with this a long time. What's been the hardest part of it for you?
LARRY RAVITZ: Knowing that I wouldn't be able to paint the way I loved to paint, the loss of the desire that I had. It makes me sad.
JEFFREY BROWN: You had to learn to paint again, or to make art again, in a new way?
LARRY RAVITZ: I had to paint from the inside out.
[** "Paint from the inside out" likely refers to an approach to painting by focusing on one's inner experiences, contrasting with realistic painting.]
[48:27] Frustrated by his inability to portray reality, but yearning for a new way to express himself with a brush.
LARRY RAVITZ: The right hand is the hand most affected by the Parkinson's.
JEFFREY BROWN: Larry embraced process painting, an approach that prioritizes experience over outcome. Did you like the process painting?
LARRY RAVITZ: I love it. The first time, I was in tears. I never cried about my realistic painting.
[** "Process painting" prioritizes the experience or process of painting over the final outcome. The goal is the creative act itself, with no concern for talent, skill, or achievement ]
[52:41] What's the most important thing you have learned?
MARIKA PARTRIDGE: I would say one thing I have learned is don't try to do Parkinson's by yourself. Make sure you have got a good team. You have got to go with the flow. Like Larry's art goes with the flow, our lives have to go with the flow.
[** go with the flow = to move along with the prevailing forces, accepting trends without challenging them; (in this context) to adapt to circumstances and remain flexible in the face of challenges, rather than resisting or fighting against them.]
turn on/ mortgage rates really turn on what the Fed is expected to do, so not so much what it is doing
lift up/ It's one thing when you're on the outside and lifting up criticism.
push back
lean on
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