《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.14☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Sept. 13, 2024
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[05:02] GOV. TIM WALZ (D-MN), Vice Presidential Candidate: He said a lot of weird stuff too, so I'm just going to say that. And that's -- and you tell me you had this on your bingo card, and they're eating cats, and they're eating cats.
[05:24] KAMALA HARRIS: And as he said in the debate, he made clear he has no plan to replace it. In fact, you remember? Concepts. You remember? He has -- quote -- "concepts of a plan."
[07:47] She (Laura Loomer) said: "If Kamala Harris wins, the White House will smell like curry and White House speeches will be facilitated with a call center. And the American people will only be able to convey their feedback through a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call, and nobody will understand."
[** "White House speeches will be facilitated with a call center" suggests that communication or public addresses from the White House would be managed in an impersonal or automated manner, similar to customer service interactions at a call center. Additionally, the comment carries a racial stereotype, implying that such communication might be difficult to understand due to accents associated with outsourced call centers, typically in countries like India. ]
[26:19] MALCOLM BRABANT: But Britain's new labor government says it's inherited a $30 billion black hole in the country's coffers, although their opponents say that they have contributed to the shortfall by awarding inflation-busting pay rises to state employees.
[29:29] MALCOLM BRABANT: Do you think people are sleepwalking into the next war?
MAJ. GEN. RUPERT JONES: No, I'm no believer in inevitability. I think it's absolutely right that security experts, defense experts keep us honest and warn us of the threats that we face.
[35:32] DAN VIDERMAN, College Student: We held a Nova Music Festival survivor on campus just last week. And after the event, a lot of the feedback that we had all received was like, wow, like, we knew kind of what happened, but we didn't realize the atrocities and the real damage of what was done there in Israel on October 7.
[36:46] RICHARD LYONS: Our goal is not to make ideas safe for students. It's to make students safe for ideas. We are platforms for difficult ideas to match up against each other and have it out in an ideas sense, but not in a personal violence sense.
[** Our goal is not to make ideas safe for students. It's to make students safe for ideas = Our goal is not to shield students from potentially uncomfortable or controversial topics, but it's to prepare students with the ability to think critically and engage with diverse and challenging ideas.]
[* have it out = to settle decisively, especially in an argument or discussion (thefreedictionary) ]
[39:36] And she (Kamala Harris) showed up on that stage, and as we say, she showed up and she showed out, and showed that she was able to more than handle the debate, the man across from her, and to run the country.
[51:47] BEAU MCCALL: And then I had buttons commissioned about hair care. So there's an Afro pick. You have the Afro comb. You have the Afro silhouette. So you have different variations of how Black folks wear their hair.
Laura Loomer
sovereign assets
Jeremiah Wright
■ 英語のラジオ・テレビを視聴
・ラジオ (CNN・NPR・BBC)
・テレビ(ABC News・NBC News ・ Sky News ・Sesame Street)
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