《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.10☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 9, 2024
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[04:38] GEOFF BENNETT: So what more do you know about how and when Iran might respond?
HUSSEIN IBISH: Well, we don't know anything about it. And what's really interesting is that time's a-wasting, in the sense that you would have expected something more prompt if it was going to be a direct retaliation.
[30:20] I mean, talk about contrast. Fine. Donald Trump has done rallies, but he's all upset because he's done rallies in the same spaces where Vice President Harris has done rallies and hasn't gotten the same size crowd, which is why, when he was asked about crowd size, he went off the deeper end of the deep end.
[31:02] Vice President Harris and Governor Walz, they are happy warriors. They are talking about, we're in this for you, in this together, together, we can move the country forward. And Donald Trump is still stirring the grievances of the last four years, last eight years, if you want to go all the way back to his start of his campaign, a very heavy, dark vision for the country that I don't think is going to sit well once we really do get into the campaign in the fall.
[36:15] The scenario before was the Democrats saying, this is a catastrophe. Now what we have is a toss-up race. There's no question Harris is a more competitive candidate. The situation isn't a catastrophe for Republicans. Now we're back to a jump ball race.
[45:15] The U.S. men once again made a huge mistake. This seems to be a problem with the United States. The best sprinters in the world, the best men's sprinters in the world, and the U.S. has not won a medal in the 4x100 relay since the 2004 Athens Games, so 20 years now of mistakes, dropping the baton, not passing it within the time frame that they have to, just a comedy of errors.
[46:43] AMNA NAWAZ: When you look, Christine, sort of more broadly, there have been some really outstanding female athletes for Team USA these Games, Katie Ledecky, the swimmer, Simone Biles, of course, the greatest gymnast of all time, Sha'Carri Richardson, you mentioned,. What do we know about their futures? Are we going to see them compete again?
CHRISTINE BRENNAN: Katie Ledecky, yes. Simone Biles, maybe, Sha'Carri Richardson, I would think so, although she kind of just stared off at the journalists when we asked about that tonight at the stadium.
Blue Line
ground truth
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