
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.06.22☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour June 21, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[03:23] Well, Mr. Rahimi was the person who challenged the federal law, the federal ban. And he had a domestic violence restraining order against him. He was a pretty bad actor, William, to be honest with you. I mean, he physically assaulted his girlfriend, threatened her and his child that they had. He shot off his gun on different occasions, despite the restraining order, and in different places as well. His challenge went all the way up to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. That court ruled in his favor and struck down the federal law after applying the test that the Supreme Court announced in 2022 in a case that we call Bruen, had to do with New York's open carry laws.

[04:09] And that test is whether the gun regulation being challenged, whether there is a tradition, a history of gun regulation prior to 1900 that would support the current law. The Fifth Circuit said, nope, we couldn't find anything.

[04:42] the chief justice said, that support the principle behind the -- or undergirding the federal law. What was pretty important, William, here is that the chief said that the Bruen decision never meant that the law was trapped in amber, an interesting sort of metaphor, that really, instead of looking for an historical twin to the current law, you look at principles, historical principles, that could support the current regulation being challenged.

[** 今回のRahimi判決のポイントを説明している部分 ]

[06:07] and those judges have been pretty critical of the Thomas tests. They have complained that they're not historians. They don't have the time, the resources to do the historical research that's required.

[06:28] Even Justice Barrett, in her concurring opinion, had mentioned that historical regulations reveal principles, not molds.

[12:56] In Nevada, a judge dismissed the charges today in a fake electors case against six Republicans. They were accused of submitting so-called fake elector certificates to Congress that falsely declared Donald Trump had won the state in the 2020 election.

[13:33] The Food and Drug Administration has approved the first menthol-flavored electronic cigarettes for adult smokers. All e-cigarettes previously authorized by the FDA have been tobacco-flavored. The decision applies to four menthol products by the vaping brand NJOY, which was recently acquired by Marlboro maker Altria. It lends new credibility to claims by vaping companies that their products can help blunt the toll of traditional smoking, but parents groups and anti-tobacco advocates criticize the decision.

[23:42] So, these are things that The New York Times and The Washington Post would not do, for example, paying for a scoop, working with a source who has stolen material. These kinds of things, which have come out in recent days, are just practices that, again, maybe they're kind of OK in tabloid journalism in the U.K., but they really seem to us to be very dicey.

[30:05] And so to say that the status quo has a preference is like -- seems to me like stare decisis on stilts. And would they have said that before the Dobbs decision? Oh, well, there's a historical pattern, and there's been an abortion -- right to abortion, we're going to go with the historical pattern? It just seems to me it's biasing the court toward whatever is. And that's just really not for the court to decide. It's whether it is lawful. I get that. But whatever is? That seems to be stepping beyond the bounds.

[36:19] Because I wouldn't put it past Donald Trump saying, if you're from Asia, South East Asia, no, you can't. You're not a part of this. If you're from Africa, no, you're not a part of this. If you're from Latin America, no, you're not a part of this. This does not apply to you. There's lots of evidence, lots of audio, lots of stories about how Donald Trump feels about countries that are not European, and specifically Northern Europe.

[38:14] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: This month, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi secured a third term, but his party lost its majority in Parliament. Modi portrays himself as the strong leader of a rising India, but his 10 years in office have been marked by a fierce crackdown on dissent on millions of Indian citizens who belong to ethnic and religious minorities. Producer Zeba Warsi traveled across Northern India to report on the impact on India's Muslims.

[** Zeba Warsi 前回登場時: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQqlmJ4kbCI&t=2012s ]

[50:13] JEFFREY BROWN: How about a couple of smaller independent films perhaps you saw in the festival circuit, Aisha?


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下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • protective order

  • stricture

  • bump stock

  • nuclear triad

  • Beantown

  • Timothy Mellon

  • dark money

  • 501(c) group

  • Project 2025

  • fly/ I think some of the practices that they have used, both Winnett and Lewis, have been things that maybe they fly in the U.K., but they actually run pretty counter to the ethics and standards of the -- of sort of big journalism in the United States.

  • fold/ it's right that the president moved to bring them fully legally into the fold

  • Barbenheimer

  • A24

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