今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.18]
PBS NewsHour Feb. 17, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:44] 今日の主要ニュース
[06:16] With about 40 world leaders in attendance, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed for more support, comparing his country's struggle to a David vs. Goliath battle. [* see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goliath 直後に出てくるslingもこの旧約聖書の話に出てくる。また、ユダヤ人のZelenskyy大統領が、キリスト教と共通の聖典である旧約聖書を引用するのは偶然ではない。]
[08:11] トルコ・シリア地震 被災者の状況リポートと医療救援団体責任者へのインタビュー
[12:34] So, our surgeons have been doing surgeries nonstop, more than 700 procedures, between [* 「…の間で」ではなく、「…や…で」「…やら…やらで」の意味。大きな手術や小さな手術で700件以上。] major operations and smaller operations.
[17:16]★今日のおすすめ★ 視聴率稼ぎのため トランプの「大嘘」を嘘と知りつつ流し続けたFOX News 訴訟文書から明らかに
[17:41] JEANINE PIRRO, FOX News Anchor: The Dominion [* = Dominion Voting Systems 電子投票機の製造メーカー ]software system has been tagged as one allegedly capable of flipping votes. [* to flip votes (有権者が投票した)票を対立候補の票にすり替える]
[18:35] It's a blockbuster case that's been filed by Dominion Voting Services -- Systems, an election tech company that is at the core of a lot of these fraudulent claims of fraud that were ventilated [* to ventilate = to expose something to public discussion ] on FOX News in the immediate aftermath of the November 2020 elections.
[21:16] And yet FOX News time and again brought on [* to bring on (この文脈では)番組に登場させる] people, including then-President Trump, but also his surrogates and champions, people like Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and others,
[22:26] There has to be robust room for there to be rhetoric and hyperbole and overstatement and, yes, at times misstatements, when we're talking about important issues of national and political concern, because that's what the First Amendment envisions. You have to have running room. [* = the space or leeway permitting ample freedom and flexibility to operate, maneuver, or perform without impairment. https://www.dictionary.com/ ] Otherwise, there isn't truly free speech.
[22:45] DAVID FOLKENFLIK: I think it is the most visceral and tangible proof of one of the strongest criticisms of FOX, that it functions in many ways as a political operation and a business enterprise and wraps itself in the word news, even with a cadre of journalists, some of whom very much believe in reporting things straight. I think you saw the lie being given to that. [* to give the lie to = To reveal or prove (something) to be false; to refute. 誤りを明らかにする]
[23:41]★今日のおすすめ★ 1995年に殺人罪で有罪評決 終身刑で服役の黒人男性の冤罪確定 本人と弁護士へのインタビュー
( 2日前の関連ニュース )
[28:53] JOHN YANG: What -- how have you been spending your time since Tuesday?
LAMAR JOHNSON: Eating and having my friend run me around. [* to run someone around (この文脈ではおそらく)いろいろなところを連れまわす]
[29:04] LAMAR JOHNSON: That's what I have been doing, enjoying all the foods that I didn't get inside. [* inside = (この文脈では)刑務所の中で]
[29:31] JOHN YANG: Is someone helping you with the transition?
LAMAR JOHNSON: Yes, he's a friend of mine from my -- actually, he's an exoneree [* 冤罪を晴らした人、冤罪被害者] himself.
[30:01] Conservative estimates [* 控えめな推定、控えめに見積もった数字] are between 2 and 5 percent.
[34:01]★今日のおすすめ★ 2024年大統領選 共和党予備選候補 リポートのあと政治アナリストに聞く
[39:37] AMY WALTER: So, Trump's shadow is still really very, very long here in South Carolina. [* shadow < to cast a long shadow = to have a great, long-lasting influence over someone 長い間大きな影響力を持つ]
[41:02] And when so much of the party messaging right now seems to be pushing back on this idea of a more diverse America, decrying the so-called woke agenda, [*woke = aware of social justice issues; (in some cases) holding progressive views or attitudes ] how do these two candidates fit into that?
[41:45] So, again, trying to really lean in, instead of grievance, leaning into [* to lean into = to embrace wholeheartedly ] the aspiration.
[42:12] 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る
[47:10] What you had here is a grand jury of everyday people who were presented the evidence, and they made a point of saying in that document that we saw no evidence of election fraud, that the election was 100 percent by the board, [*(文脈を考えると) above board(公明正大、やましいところがない)と言いたかったのか!?] which is -- to the big lie, it just blows that up.
[49:43] And you might almost say that there are more people who like Mike DeWine as a Republican than like Donald Trump. And so I maintain the belief that there's another version of that kind of normie Republican. [* normie = Like a normal person; normal]
[50:19] I think that Governor Nikki Haley, Ambassador Haley, the problem she has is her flip-flop-flip [* < flip-flop = repeatedly changing one's stated opinion about a matter 立場をころころ変える] situation when it comes to supporting and criticizing Donald Trump.
[53:54] AMNA NAWAZ: Remember, there is much more online, including a story about a new law in New Orleans that requires the city's restaurants to remove soda [* 甘い炭酸飲料] as a drink option for kids' meals.