

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour March 1, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]



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[29:20] JONATHAN CAPEHART: By pointing out the fact that the president, the sitting president of the United States, in conjunction with the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, along with one of the most conservative members of the Senate -- oh, my gosh, I can't believe I'm spacing on this -- Lankford.
GEOFF BENNETT: Lankford of Oklahoma, yes.

[31:27] In 2016, you had large numbers of candidates in a Democratic primary raise their hand and say they were for decriminalizing the border. That was -- compared to where America is, that's far off.

[42:46] Would you expect to see some kind of backlash? I mean, I know country music is famously, especially modernly, overwhelmingly white, largely male.
VINNIE "DOC" COLETTI: There has definitely been a little bit of backlash, which is more gatekeeping than anything. But there are always people who think that she's intruding on the white space music as a Black woman.

[43:47] Her new book, "My Black Country," unpacks the erasure of country music's Black roots and the industry's exclusion of Black artists for decades.

[44:03] ALICE RANDALL: Beyonce has blasted through the intended and not-intended boundaries, the cultural redlining, and she has ascended to a height no other Black woman has ascended to in country. This is a tribute to her own genius, and it spotlights the genius that came before.


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。

  • world of hurt

  • lawfare

  • ravenmaster

  • to preview/ I want to preview for folks that we know this COVID virus continues to change

  • It beats me

  • someone's cup of tea/ That's not my cup of tea

  • revered civic figure

  • to confound/ this issue that has really confounded administrations of both parties

  • down with/ That is a sizable chunk of the Republican electorate that says, we're not down with this guy

  • epical

  • to give someone their flowers

  • to turn tail

  • to blow up/ She created her own line dance to "Texas Hold 'em," which now has over 10 million views. It blew up pretty fast

  • bent note open-throated singing

  • to unpack

  • to be invested/ to be invested in something


上の「字幕ファイルの作り方」のようにすれば、自分で作ることが出来ます (その場合、もとの字幕の誤りはそのままになります)。



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