
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.11]

PBS NewsHour Feb. 10, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:59] アラスカ上空にまた領空侵犯物体

[06:05]★今日のおすすめ★ トルコ・シリア地震 増える犠牲者数 人災の側面も

[10:28] What we have heard from OCHA, [* = Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 国連人道問題調整事務所] the U.N. and from Turkey is that these trucks are just an initial response and will hopefully be followed by larger and more numerous loads of supplies.

[12:49] 今日のその他のニュースまとめ

[15:20] Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman has been released from a Washington hospital. He was admitted Wednesday night after feeling lightheaded.[* =dizzy or feeling faint]

[16:26] 議会襲撃事件捜査 ペンス前副大統領に召喚状

[19:31] Now, it's the case that the Justice Department has opined twice that, if you're a sitting president, then you can't be indicted. I think that that's wrong. But that only goes so far as a sitting president. And that's, of course, why Donald Trump skated on the Mueller investigation, [* to skate on = to escape punishment] because Bill Barr concluded that you couldn't indict a sitting president.

[21:15] ワシントン特別区の刑法改正案を下院が否決 犯罪減少に本当に有効なものとは

[24:12] The other important point to remember is that maximum sentences are rarely imposed. Those are typically the sentences that community members feel are appropriate when the worst iteration [* iteration = a version] of a crime is committed.

[28:55]★今日のおすすめ★ 殺害されたジャーナリスト 遺志を継いだ2つの新聞の協力

[29:31] The piece detailed a sweeping Ponzi scheme that targeted Mormon investors. [* Ponzi scheme = A fraudulent scheme where earlier investors are paid with the money taken from new investors, giving the impression that the scheme is a viable investment. ねずみ講(に似た投資詐欺)]

[32:53] And after some back-and-forth with his colleagues at The Post, Craig said: "We're in." [* be in = 参加する。仲間に加わる]

[33:51] They thought that they would get annualized returns of 50 percent, which seemed really great. And they were being sold on this by people that they trusted, people that they saw in church on Sunday, whose kids had grown up with their kids, and they have no reason to distrust that the investment wasn't real. Unfortunately, this is fairly typical of what is called an affinity fraud. [* =Fraud whose victims are susceptible because they trust the perpetrator as a member of their circle (wiktionary)]

[34:17] Glenn, what do you take away [* to take away = to keep in mind or remember as a main message or conclusion ] from this experience about journalism, about the state of the industry, about collegiality in the industry?

[36:59]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:今週のニュースを2人の政治アナリストと振り返る

[37:28] The president focused a lot on the economy, and a lot of specifics, things like junk fees, [* junk fee = Junk fees are excessive fees charged by banks and financial companies. These fees often aren’t included in the original estimate and are extra charges imposed after the consumer has already signed up for a product or service. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-are-junk-fees-5223644] credit card fees, right, bringing down the cost of prescription drugs.

[37:37] He is now working in a divided Congress. He made a lot of pledges that night. How many of those pledges can he see through legislatively? [* to see through = To do something until it is finished ]

[38:08] You're being nickeled and dimed, [* to be nickled and dimed = to be charged several unexpected small amounts of money, often in the form of fees, taxes, or related expenses to a venture, which when taken as a whole add up to a significant unexpected cost.] and I'm on it. [* on it = actively doing something, or working to solve a (specified) problem (wiktionary)]

[39:12] Rick Scott is the senator from Florida who said we should sunset [* to sunset = 昨日の説明参照] laws after five years, and that was seized on as, oh, they're going to cut your Medicare and Social Security.

[39:56] Trump has shifted the Overton window [* = The range of ideas that the public will accept, i.e. those ideas that are not considered too extreme or radical] of American politics.

[43:54] And I would say the non-culture war [* culture war= Conflict between different ideological groups, especially political conflict for cultural dominance between liberals and conservatives in the United States] Republican Party reasserted itself in 2022.

[44:52] And when it comes to China and this spy balloon, there was frustration from both Democrats and Republicans this week when they looked at how President Biden reacted, how the Department of Defense reacted, saying they should have acted more quickly. I'm just curious to get both of your takes [* take = an opinion, view or assessment] on how you think this has been talked about, especially in light of this new incident we have today.

[46:06] And I think we -- time will tell if we actually got really good intelligence and information, not just about the balloon, but about what China is up to.[* be up to = be involved in doing (often something mischievous or inappropriate)]

[47:31] スーパーボウルの陰で行われる違法な性売買

[47:47] But big sporting events also can have a darker side that isn't talked about much publicly, a notable rise in local sex trafficking. [* sex trafficking = the illegal business of recruiting, harboring, transporting, obtaining, or providing a person and especially a minor for the purpose of sex ]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)
