
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.27☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 26, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[04:03] NICK SCHIFRIN: Microsoft accused a Russian influence actor of using artificial intelligence to create a fake movie to disparage the IOC.

[07:57] As our story laid out, the French authorities are being careful. They're not pointing their finger at anyone, but we have had an accusation by Prime Minister [* President ] Macron that Russia could attack the Games. And you have this environment in which Russia has launched multiple attacks in Europe. So, therefore, could it be some kind of Russian intelligence, even cutout?

[12:34] But if the U.S., let's say, in the run-up to the Olympics had very specific threat information about threats to the Games, that would be passed automatically to the French, if they weren't able to discern that on their own. And I don't have to imagine that's going on in real time and will continue to go on throughout the course of the Olympics.

[15:18] U.S. health officials are recalling some Boar's Head brand liverwurst and other deli products amid an ongoing probe into a listeria outbreak. The recall affects more than 200,000 pounds of meats sliced at deli counters, so not prepackaged meats.

[22:54] And the fact that the U.S. is bringing these people to justice is pretty remarkable. We will see what happens with El Mayo's case, whether he takes to trial, whether he pleads out. We have seen other instances where these folks have pleaded guilty and cooperated and received relatively short sentences.

[24:19] Yesterday, wildfire cameras caught the formation of a so-called firenado, a massive vortex of flame and smoke.

[35:00] STATE REP. LEIGH FINKE: Yes, I mean, in terms of trans rights, the work that I do on the ground as a trans activist, there is no question about the outcome of this election that we need, which is to elect now a President Harris. We know that the alternative is untenable across the board. There is no denying what a second Trump administration would do. We have a very clear statement of values from the contemporary American Republican movement, which is that trans people should not have legal recognition, we should not have health care. There is no question about what we need to do in the future in terms of presidential politics.

[38:45] I'm not worried about Democratic enthusiasm waning. I have not seen anything like this since then-Senator Barack Obama won Iowa. Remember, up until Iowa, Black people around the country were like, no, I'm going to -- he can't win, he's not going to win, including my own mother, who was, like, down for Hillary Clinton. And I called her when Barack Obama won Iowa. She answers the phone and I said: "So what do you think?" And she says: "Obama, Obama."

[39:26] There's another poll. I forgot to cite where it's from, but her lead among young voters has skyrocketed to 20 points. The memes that we're seeing all over social media, I don't know about coconuts and trees and brat summer and all of this stuff, but young people are talking about her.

[41:17] And so she might be able to step out from that, but she really needs to develop an economic message and not think that the things that play in California are going to play in Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

[50:37] JEFFREY BROWN: But, today, some are having to go elsewhere, as the neighborhood sees rapid change and outside investment driving up the cost of living. A major factor, Little Haiti's relatively higher elevation at 10 feet above sea level and away from Miami's famed coastline makes it more attractive as seas rise and increasingly threaten much of this area. That's made Little Haiti a victim of so-called climate gentrification.

[52:05] JEFFREY BROWN: So now I see a mezcal bar, an Italian restaurant. I don't see anything Haitian.



  • fall out/ The two had fallen out after Netanyahu congratulated Joe Biden on his 2020 election victory over Mr. Trump.

  • phenotype

  • killer/ When the party was moving leftward, she said a lot of stuff which is just killer in swing states.

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