今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.22]
PBS NewsHour Feb. 21, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:59] オハイオ州列車脱線火災事故 リポートのあと有害物質流出の鉄道会社CEO (Alan Shaw, Norfolk Southern) へインタビュー
[10:29] So, we are fully cooperating with the NTSB and the FRA [* = Federal Railroad Administration] on finding out what happened here.
[14:43] ウクライナ戦争1周年 現地リポート
[18:56] 今日のその他のニュース
[22:53]★今日のおすすめ★ ロシア侵攻から1年 新戦略兵器削減条約の停止 今後の米ロ関係を2人の専門家に聞く
[24:17] They had, I would say, reciprocal rights under the treaty. But they have now suspended those rights on their own recognizance.[* on one's own recognizance = (この文脈では、おそらく)自ら宣言することによって。recognizance = avowal; profession; recognition.]
[28:14] I think it's a -- it really echoes what he said a year ago when he was trying to really rattle the nuclear saber [* < saber-rattling = a show or threat of military power, esp. as used by a nation to impose its policies on other countries 威嚇的な武力の誇示] and make it clear that this was going to be part of his overall rhetoric throughout this war
[28:35] Angela, on the rattling of the nuclear sabers, we should point out the New START Treaty only relates to strategic and long-range nuclear weapons. But there has been concern about Putin potentially using a tactical nuclear weapon [* see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactical_nuclear_weapon] in Ukraine. Do you share that concern?
[29:12] But he wants people to believe that he could use a nuclear weapon, a tactical nuclear weapon, particularly were the Ukrainians to try [* = if Ukrainians were to try ] and tane back -- take back Crimea.
[29:53] As we're marking one year in the war, does all of this make it more likely for President Putin to negotiate or to be more deeply dug in [* かたくなな態度をとる、立場を固守する ]?
[31:33]★今日のおすすめ★ 連邦最高裁審問 「おすすめ」アルゴリズムでSNSの責任を問えるか
[33:39] And he said, if these thumbnails encourage access to information or videos, in this case, to ISIS information, and the user has not requested that information, then it falls outside of [* to fall outside of …の領域に入らない。(この文脈では)…の適用外] the statute because it is, in effect, he argues, in service to ISIS.
[36:44] JOHN YANG: Why does the -- changing this law, the prospect of changing this law, make the Internet companies and social media platforms so nervous?
SHEERA FRENKEL: Well, Section 230 [* Section 230を分かりやすい言葉で説明した箇所 see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_230 ] has been what's protected them until now. It's essentially said that they're not publishers. They're not responsible for what other people say on their platform. And so it's let them roll out content moderation policies that they see as appropriate. [* content moderation = On Internet websites that invite users to post comments, content moderation is the process of detecting contributions that are irrelevant, obscene, illegal, harmful, or insulting (wikipedia)] They decide what's allowed and what's not allowed. But, if they miss something, such as the case was in this specific trial that's being heard, they are not punished for it.
[37:17] We have a new "PBS NewsHour"/NPR/Marist poll set to be released this week, found that only 29 percent of adults questioned said the government should be the ones setting the rules for social media; 67 percent said it should be left to the social media companies themselves. I would imagine that's music to Silicon Valley's ears.[* music to someone's ears = some good news; a spoken expression or a sound which is pleasing; a welcome remark or information. (wiktionary) ]
[39:26]★今日のおすすめ★ 鳥インフルH5N1 哺乳類間の感染拡大2例 新たなパンデミックの可能性はあるのか 専門家に聞く
[40:35] SCOTT HENSLEY, Penn Institute for Immunology: We have seen H5N1 circulate in birds before. What makes this current situation unique is how widespread this particular clade of H5N1 [* clade = クレード、分岐群(共通の祖先から進化した生物群)] virus is spreading.
[41:59] But we have seen cases now, as you just outlined, the virus getting into mink, and there's likely mink-to-mink transmission that have occurred in the situation that we have seen in Spain. And we see the virus spreading to other mammals as well. This is alarming, because what we're afraid is that the virus might start changing. It might undergo acquiring different substitutions [* 置換] that enable better replication in these mammals. And we're afraid that some of those same substitutions might enable the virus then to attach to human cells more effectively.
[45:33] インディアナ州Fort Wayne パブリック・アートで街を活性化
[46:22] Over the years, she's drawn and painted a variety of subjects, including portraits,[*動画の肖像画は、故Ruth Bader Ginsburg最高裁判事] still-life, and delightful tipsy frogs.
[53:41] Remember, there's a lot more online at PBS.org/NewsHour, including a conversation about how advocates for harm reduction [* harm reduction = A range of public health policies designed to lessen the negative social or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal] are working to combat a nationwide spike in fentanyl overdoses.