
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.06]

PBS News Weekend Feb. 5, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:04] 今日の主要ニュースまとめ

[04:43]★今日のおすすめ★ 今週の動きを政治記者に聞く

[07:27] Keeping on the topic of the president and Congress, the president travels to Capitol Hill Tuesday, his first State of the Union [* (米大統領の)一般教書演説。 2023年は2月8日(水)午前11:00~(日本時間) ] before divided Congress and the first in a -- as we go into an election cycle where he says he is running for reelection. [* divided Congress = ねじれ議会。この文脈では、上院と下院で多数党が違っていること。番組内でsplit Congressという表現も出て来たが、同じ意味。]

[07:47] This is the biggest audience in all likelihood President Biden will have all year. This is the one that -- speech that everyone will carry. [* to carry = to include a particular item of news, information, etc. in something printed, broadcast, or sent over electric wires. (Cambridge Dictionary) 放送する。]

[09:22] Now, it's interesting to know that they actually didn't endorse Donald Trump the last time, either. however, this time they have gone out of their way to do a sort of de-endorsement and anti-endorsement, saying it needs to be somebody else, [* de-endorsement この話者の造語かもしれないが、意味は、「候補者の支持をやめること」。同様に、anti-endorsementは「候補者の支持に反対すること」。]

[09:43] That is all targeted at Trump and thier losses from this last election cycle. All that said, I think this could have effects maybe down-ballot. [* down-ballot = pertaining to the election of a relatively minor officeholder.(wiktionary) 例えば、大統領選挙と同時に行われる下院議員選挙など。 ]

[10:33]★今日のおすすめ★ 老朽化する水道インフラ そこにも人種差別が

[12:18] This has come to a head in a number of cities that we walked through. [* to walk through = to explain (something) to (someone), step by step. 一つずつ説明する。]

[13:43] For example, when there's a water main break, it's usually reported in the context of a traffic disruption, not the fact that there is aging infrastructure or there are potential challenges with water quality or conveying the water as a result of that main break. [* water main = the principal pipe, usually underground, for conveying water to residential and business properties. 水道本管]

[14:13] And then, I would say that environmental racism [* environmental racism = the placement of low-income or minority communities in the proximity of environmentally hazardous or degraded environments, such as toxic waste, pollution and urban decay. 環境的人種差別。環境上の人種差別。] and what we're seeing with communities who are disproportionately impacted, it's quite evident since that the historical disinvestment in communities of color really mirrors the institutional racism and other barriers that have existed in our country in the troubled history. [* institutional racism = racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions. 制度的人種差別。]

[16:05] 産科医の情熱とその起源

[18:55] What keeps me invested in obstetrics and gynecology, and particularly obstetrics, is that I am Sam Adams Jr.'s baby daughter. [* to be invested in something = to give a lot of time and effort to something and care about it. 熱心である。]

[19:38] ストリーミングで変わる音楽の聴き方

[20:01] Later this month Amazon Music will bump up their subscription price. [* to bump up = to increase something suddenly.]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)
