《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.28☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Weekend
■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend July 27, 2024
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説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。初歩レベル以外で日本語にきっちり訳して理解しようとする人は、英語を話せるようにはなりません (会話の途中で英-->日、日-->英の翻訳を繰り返す時間はありません)。また、基本的な英文法は別として、重箱の隅をつつくような英文法で英語を理解しようとするのは時間の無駄です (実際の英語は教科書の文法では不適切とされる表現であふれています。言葉の法則をまとめたのが文法である以上、文法が現実に追いついていないだけで、問題なのは文法の方です)。もう一つ確実に言えることは、英語を話せない人に英語を習っても、話せるようにはなりません (言葉を話せない人に言葉を習って話せるようになるはずがありません)。どこかの国の英語教育の話みたいですね。
[11:28] The traditional prices we all see on grocery store shelves may soon be on their way out, in favor of what are being called digital shelf labels or electronic shelf labels. They have small digital screens where prices can be updated remotely, sometimes on a daily basis. Consumer advocates worry that this tech could lead to surge pricing, seen already with travel, concert tickets, and car sharing apps like Uber and Lyft.
[* digital shelf labels or electronic shelf labels この話題の中心になる言葉 ]
[** surge pricing = dynamic pricing = A pricing strategy in which businesses set flexible prices for products or services based on current market demands (wiktionary) ]
[13:41] They also said that this is a very easy technology for them to keep associates abreast of the inventory.
[** associate = (in this context) a worker or employee ]
[14:39] And I know that Walmart and other stores are arguing that those efficiencies could lead to savings for the customer, but I do want to ask about the flip side of that, which is consumers and advocates are nervous that there might be dynamic pricing employed in which retailers increase prices of items based on demand.
[** dynamic pricingを説明している部分 ]
[18:25] The first Olympic breaking competition was at the 2018 Youth Games in Buenos Aires. The Olympics recognizes it as an urban sport like skateboarding, also an Olympic event. Competitors need improvisation, athleticism, and coordination, drawing on disciplines like martial arts and gymnastics. It was created in the 1970s at South Bronx dance parties by Black and Latino youth. It's said that the name comes from the breaks in hip-hop songs, when the vocals drop out leaving a steady driving beat.
[** breakingの由来 ]
[20:15] So, Flipz, first off, help out this unhip baby boomer. Breaking, break dancing.
>> So, we call it breaking. If you accidentally call it break dancing, we'll let you slide on the first time. It was more of a media term that came out in the early 80s, but I do understand why people call it break dancing, because they are breaking and it is a dance. However, we call it breaking.
[** slide = To be ignored or not dealt with; to get away with. ]
[20:37] So, what's the significance of having breaking as an Olympic event? Oh, it is the epitome.
[** epitome = the perfect example of something; (in this context) the perfect example of breaking's significance ]
[21:00] Oh, to go beyond that, for me, it's like a religion. So, you have to believe in yourself. You have to believe in your talent. You have to go above and beyond the call of duty, just to be recognized.
[** above and beyond the call of duty = More than what is expected of someone (thefreedictionary) ]
[21:34] You're not going to be judging in Paris, I know, but you did judge some of the qualifying events. What's the criteria? How do you judge this? There's a couple of criteria and boxes that they have to tick.
[** tick the boxes = check the boxes = to meet certain criteria or requirements ]
[21:59] The vocabulary, vocabulary is what you bring to the table. There's A's to Z's, top rock, footwork, freezes, power, combinations, and what you bring to the table is your vocabulary and how many times you can switch things up.
[** top rock = see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR9Hr8Aj46Y ]
[22:40] Also, musicality. I love musicality and I'll tell you why. We are dancers, right? So, it's all framed around the music. If you don't have musicality and you're dancing with either two left feet or you're off beat, we're definitely going to ding you for that. You definitely have to dance and marry the beat and the music that these DJs are playing.
[** ding = to penalize or criticize; to deduct points ]
[23:08] Tell us a little bit about the Team USA breakers.
>> Oh, yeah, definitely Team USA all day.
[** all day = (in this context) Of course; yes; used to express strong and unwavering support ]
[24:32] So the future looks really, really bright for breaking. And you might not see these same competitors again in that next cycle if it is another eight years. I do want breaking to just stay on the roster.
[** stay on the roster = (in this context) to remain an official part or a medal event of the Olympics ]
throw down/ B-boy Jeffro, he's one of the all-style, all-around, can throw anything down.
■ 英語のラジオ・テレビを視聴 ☆☆☆
・ラジオ (CNN・NPR・BBC)
・テレビ(NBC News ・ABC News ・Sky News ・Sesame Street)