

PBS News Weekend Oct. 28, 2023




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[00:00] Introduction

[01:54] Israel assaults Gaza by land, air and sea on 2nd day of escalated raids

Gaza residents say they’re experiencing the most intense bombardment of the Israel-Hamas war so far after airstrikes cut off communication services and as Israel’s military carries out increased ground raids in northern Gaza. Israeli officials describe the escalation as a new phase of the war and Netanyahu said the fighting would be “long and difficult.” Leila Molana-Allen reports.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い22日目; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Israelis that the fighting, which he called the second war of independence, would be long and difficult; In a press conference, Israeli officials called it a new phase of the war, but did not define it as a full-fledged ground invasion; 》

[07:05] News Wrap

Pence dropped out of the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Maine authorities shared more details about their search for the suspected mass killer found dead Friday, the death toll from Hurricane Otis rose to at least 39 people in Mexico, and the United Auto Workers union and Stellantis reached a tentative deal that could end a six-week strike.
《メイン州銃乱射事件容疑者、自殺したとみられる遺体発見; In Maine, law enforcement officials said it was on the third search of a recycling center Friday that they discovered the body of Robert Card, the suspect in the massacre of 18 people and wounding of 13. He died of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound; ペンス前副大統領、大統領選撤退; Mike Pence; UAWストライキ; UAWとステランティスが暫定合意、残るはGMだけ; ロバート・カード容疑者 》

[08:56] Relief and mourning in Lewiston after suspected mass killer found dead

The residents of Lewiston, Maine, woke up Saturday morning without a shelter-in-place order in effect. Now that the suspected gunman has been found dead, the city can focus on coming together to mourn, support each other and try to start the healing process. Kristen Cloutier, a state lawmaker and former Lewiston mayor, joins John Yang to discuss.
《銃乱射事件で多くが犠牲になったメイン州ルイストン。容疑者の死亡は確認されたが、地域社会の傷が癒えるには長い時間が必要。スイストンの元市長で州議会議員のKristen Cloutierに聞く 》

[13:49]★今日のおすすめ★ American family trapped in Gaza struggles to escape the war

An estimated 600 American citizens are still trying to find a way out of Gaza as Israel intensifies its assault. Foreign affairs and defense correspondent Nick Schifrin brings us the story of an American mother and her three small children who are trapped in Gaza, and the husband and father anxiously awaiting them at home.
《ガザから出ることができないアメリカ人の母親と3人の幼い子どもについてのリポート; Israel's intensified assault on Gaza comes even as an estimated 600 American citizens are still trying to leave. They want to use the Rafah Border Crossing in southern Gaza to enter Egypt. While Egypt and Hamas are allowing trucks delivering aid to Gaza to use the crossing, they're still refusing to let foreign nationals use it to leave; At first, Western officials say Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi resisted opening Rafah. But now U.S. officials insist it is Hamas who is preventing Americans from leaving Gaza; Haneen_Okal; Iyad_Okal》

[19:29]★今日のおすすめ★ Investigation finds Philips hid safety issues with its CPAP machines for years

CPAP machines help about 8 million Americans with sleep-related breathing disorders, like sleep apnea, by keeping their airways open while they sleep. But one manufacturer, Philips Respironics, is coming under fire for a critical change it made to millions of its breathing machines. Michael Sallah, a reporter and investigations editor at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, joins Ali Rogin to discuss.
《睡眠時無呼吸症候群の治療などに使われるCPAP装置; メーカー(Philips Respironics)が行った「改良」に批判; 危険を知りつつ長年隠し続けた; It started with an irritating rattling noise more than a decade ago, keeping people up at night. Soon after, the medical supply company Philips Respironics made a decision to redesign its top selling breathing machines, including CPAP machines and ventilators. The company packed industrial foam into the machines to help stop the noise. But Philips quickly started getting reports from users of the machines complaining of black particles or dirt and dust showing up inside the devices. A joint investigation published last month from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and ProPublica found that for more than a decade, Philips withheld over 3700 complaints about these machines from the Food and Drug Administration. The devices were eventually recalled in 2021, but a number of users developed new illnesses, including cancer and asthma; continuous positive airway pressure; フィリップス・レスピロニクス; 》

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

