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[PBS NewsHour Sept. 18, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] Introduction
[02:16]★今日のおすすめ★ Five released Americans fly home after years of imprisonment in Iran
[06:21] And we all remember this desperate high-risk interview he gave back in March from inside Evin prison.
[** 3月の関連ニュース ]
[07:21] And he wants to get married and have kids, and he needs to find a job and a place to live, and all these details that you could imagine that a person would have to go through in these circumstances. So, it's going to take him some time to get his bearing. And I have encouraged him to take it slow and one step at a time, and not jump in with both feet.
[** to get one's bearings = to figure out one's position or situation relative to one's surroundings. ]
[09:10] JARED GENSER: Well, I approach this as a human rights partisan, not a political one.
[** partisan = a fervent supporter or proponent ]
[12:13] And so what we need is draconian disincentives to be created, not just by the U.S., but by the U.S. working with, like, dozens of countries around the world, so that if one hostage is taken from one country, 30 or 40 countries come down like a ton of bricks on the back of that country and dramatically change and disrupt the value proposition of taking hostages in the first place.
[** value proposition = (もともとの意味は)The primary benefit of a product or service. (この文脈では)人質をとることの価値や利益。// 人質を取っても何の得にもならないと分かるように、多くの国が協力して厳しい措置を取る必要がある、ということ ]
[12:44] Breaking down the U.S. deal with Iran that freed five Americans from captivity
[17:35] GEOFF BENNETT: Lastly, Jon Finer, Amna spoke exclusively to Turkish President Erdogan in an interview we're set to see later on the program this evening. And he says the U.S. sales of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey should not be linked with Turkey's ratification of Sweden's NATO membership. He says -- quote -- "I believe these two topics shouldn't be related." How does the U.S. see it? Is there still a path forward?
JON FINER: Well, what I can say about this is, it is not the policy of this administration to link those two issues. This administration has been supportive of the transfer of F-16s to Turkey. There are a number of members of Congress who have had a different view and who have wanted to see certain steps taken by Turkey before they will either lift holds or authorize the transfer of these systems to the Turks.
[** hold = Senate hold = An informal practice by which a senator informs Senate leadership that he or she does not wish a particular measure or nomination to reach the floor for consideration. https://www.senate.gov/about/research-tools/glossary.htm ]
[19:10] News Wrap
[22:43]★今日のおすすめ★ Turkey’s Erdogan says he trusts Russia ‘just as much as I trust the West’
[27:01] RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN (through translator): Bob Menendez is not very familiar with Turkey. And Menendez doesn't seem to be familiar with Tayyip Erdogan either. We are friends with Greece for many decades. We have never been fighting camps against one another. It seems like Menendez has taken a hostile approach to Turkey and he's trying to pull us toward certain discussions of his choosing. But we are not going to be part of this. Our friendship with Greece is not what they make it out to be.
[** to make (someone or something) out to be = to characterize something in a certain way, often one that is not accurate. // to make out = to understand; to grasp the meaning of ]
[27:24] AMNA NAWAZ: What do you make of the senator's concerns, especially in light of Russia's war in Ukraine, of Turkey not joining in sanctioning Russia to the same degree the NATO alliance is and other members of the E.U.?
[** what do you make of (something) ? = What is your analysis, opinion, or appraisal of something? // to make of = to interpret; to form an opinion about ]
[34:53] How GOP presidential candidates are courting evangelical voters in Iowa
[35:23] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: As most of the Republican presidential hopefuls courted voters four months before the state's first-in-the-nation caucuses.
MAN: You ready to hear from these presidential candidates?
LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: One critical voting bloc, evangelicals, who made up nearly two-thirds of Republican caucus-goers in 2016.
[** caucus = 党員集会。アイオワ州では、大統領選の予備選挙の段階で、普通の投票ではなく caucus が行われる。see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Iowa_Republican_presidential_caucuses]
[38:08] Amy Walter and Kay Henderson on voter reaction to the House impeachment inquiry
[39:06] I also see somebody who's looking past [** to look past = to ignore, disregard ] not just his past positions on this issue, but looking past [** to look past = to look forward to a time in the future after some event or situation. …の先のことを考える、…の先を見据える ] the primary. He's basically trying to set himself up for the general election.
[** to set up = to ready; to prepare; to adjust ]
[41:27] And Donald Trump is feeling confident enough in that and his lead that even in a state like Iowa, he thinks it's not going to catch up to him.
[** to catch up to = to catch up with = to cause unpleasant consequences or have dire implications (thefreedictionary) ]
[43:19] KAY HENDERSON: Well, the other thing is, if you're out here talking to Iowa voters who are going to candidate events and seeing candidates who aren't Donald Trump, they are looking at other candidates, but when you ask them, who are you inclined to support at this moment, well, I'm a Trump supporter, but I'm holding my options open. So that's just really telling of what control Donald Trump has on the nomination. And here in Iowa, it's really Donald Trump's race to lose.
[** someone's race to lose = 勝つのが確実な競争。「負ける競争」という意味のように聞こえる表現だが、実際はまったく逆の意味。勝利が確実な状況で、もし負けるとしたら、自分で取り返しのつかないような失敗をして、「自分で負ける競争」、という意味。 ]
[44:15] What's the risk-reward matrix for Kevin McCarthy right now with this impeachment?
[** risk-reward matrix = リンク先の表を見ると分かりやすい https://wrkshp.tools/tools/risk-reward-matrix ]
[46:34]★今日のおすすめ★ Is art a good investment? Experts weigh in on stock markets for artwork
[48:37] Allen Sukholitsky: Masterworks is a firm that makes art an investable asset class. The first firm that's ever done it, we started in 2017, so we've been doing it now for several years.
[** investable asset class = see: https://ritholtz.com/2019/10/investable-asset-class/ ]
[48:55] Employees beating the bushes for marketable high value artwork and customers to whom to hawk shares in a masterwork like an Andy Warhol or a Yayoi Kusama.
[** to beat the bushes = to search for someone or something exhaustively and at great length ]
[49:04] Allen Sukholitsky: She [* = Yayoi Kusama ] is actually about 100 years old, which is always interesting. It tells you that artists have definitely cracked the code on living forever, apparently.
[** to crack the code = to discover a solution to a particularly difficult or complicated problem. (もともとの意味は)暗号を解読する // (この文脈では)長生きの秘密を見つける ]
[50:14] Kelly Crow: The art market is just super unregulated. It's kind of like a wild West. And if you want to buy $100 share just for kicks in the same way that you would go to a baseball game just to have fun and see how something does, roll the dice, have some fun. I just -- I would be a little nervous, you know, taking out a second mortgage.
[** for kicks = just for fun, entertainment ]
[52:47] I think certainly the Board Ape probably will hold its value over time. Paul Solman: Unlike, say, Jozef Israels' Pancake Day, which fetched more than £1,000,000 in 1895. A billion or more dollars today, depending on how you convert prices. Israels' largest painting at auction in recent years brought $35,000. Just one of countless examples that illustrate what philosopher Barbara Herrnstein Smith calls the contingencies of value.
[** contingency = the condition of being influenced by uncertainty and variability; uncertainty ]
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