■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour Feb. 7, 2024
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字幕には間違いや省略が含まれていますが (番組放送後2時間ほどでアップロードされる字幕なので、間違いがあっても仕方ないかもしれません)、慣れれば、間違いや省略に気付いて、補正しながら動画を見ることが出来るようになります。英語上級者には必要ないと思いますが、実際に英語音声を聞いて訂正した字幕ファイルが、このページの一番下からダウンロードできます。
専用プレーヤーのダウンロードと使い方 (情報を新しくしました)
最新のラジオリストをダウンロードして、foobar2000のradioタブにドラッグアンドドロップしてください (CNNが聞けなくなっていました)。
[40:28] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Written after the Civil War, the 14th Amendment addresses the rights of American citizens, particularly formerly enslaved people. Of its five sections, it's Section 3 that's the crux of this case. It says, no one who took an oath to support the Constitution can ever hold office again if they -- quote -- "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
[42:46] The U.S. Supreme Court will now try to settle what this 150-year-old provision means and whether it applies to Donald Trump. The former president's legal team will argue that Donald Trump did not engage in an insurrection, that Section 3 isn't applicable because he hasn't been charged or convicted, and that Section 3 doesn't say the president is a -- quote -- "officer of the United States."
[45:35] Your question, quite right, is, what happens when someone uses someone else's tools -- and there're more and more of them and they're multiplying -- and then seeks to share it with their friends and post it on Instagram, Facebook, Threads? And I think we have made some real progress as an industry within the -- kind of under the umbrella of an organization called Partnership for A.I., which brings together a lot of the main players to develop common standards so that, when we, as it's sort of called in the jargon, ingest, in other words, when we bring on to our platform because someone's sharing it on Instagram or Facebook, something which has been concocted elsewhere, has been generated elsewhere, there is an invisible watermark, something which allows our technology to automatically identify it. And then we can choose, as we will choose, to label it, so users can distinguish between what is human and not human, what is synthetic and what is not synthetic.
下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。
to behoove (someone) to (do something)/ No Labels/ I'm ready to get my lick back/ I will give my last to them.
上の「字幕ファイルの作り方」のようにすれば、自分で作ることが出来ます (その場合、もとの字幕の誤りはそのままになります)。
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