

PBS NewsHour Oct. 18, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:22]★今日のおすすめ★ Biden reinforces support during Israel visit as hospital explosion further inflames rage

President Biden spent his time in Israel expressing unwavering support in the aftermath of the Hamas terror attacks. But his journey was shorter than planned. Regional rage after the blast at a Gaza hospital led the leaders of Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Egypt to cancel a summit. The fallout continues as protests continue throughout the Middle East and beyond. Leila Molana-Allen reports.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い12日目; the deadly explosion last night at Gaza's Al Ahli Hospital; Herzi Halevi, Chief of Staff, Israeli Defense Forces: The IDF has confirmed and proven that it was an Islamic Jihad rocket that hit a hospital in Gaza yesterday; 》

[10:05] News Wrap

Police in Germany are hunting the assailants who tried to firebomb a synagogue in Berlin, President Biden's nominee for ambassador to Israel [* = Jacob Lew ] pledged to ensure that Israel gets all it needs for defense, Vladimir Putin said the U.S. is going too far in aiding Ukraine and Beijing rebuked the U.S. over curbing sales of artificial intelligence computer chips to China.
《Jacob Lew was Treasury secretary and White House chief of staff under President Obama; two Jewish groups staged a sit-in on Capitol Hill in support of Palestinians; the chief suspect [* = Joran van der Sloot ] in the long-running Natalee Holloway murder case finally confessed; U.S. household wealth is increasing at the fastest pace in more than three decades. The Federal Reserve reports median household wealth spiked 37 percent from 2019 through 2022 to nearly $193,000. The rise is largely attributed to increased home values and higher stock prices; 》

[12:36] Meanwhile, Beijing sharply rebuked the U.S. over curbing sales of artificial intelligence computer chips to China. The Foreign Ministry warned that -- quote -- "Such restrictions and forced decoupling for political purposes violate the principles of the market economy and fair competition." U.S. officials say selling the chips to China could threaten national security.

[** decoupling = (相互依存・統合に対して、その逆の)経済の分離・分断 ]

[15:01] Deputy national security adviser discusses Biden's visit to Israel and humanitarian aid

President Biden reinforced United States support for Israel in its war against Hamas during his visit to the country. It comes in the wake of a deadly hospital attack that has further inflamed the raging war. Amna Nawaz discussed the latest developments with the president's deputy national security adviser, Jon Finer.
《ジョン・ファイナー国家安全保障問題担当大統領副補佐官へのインタビュー; Jon Finer; Jonathan Finer; イスラエルとハマスの戦争、バイデン大統領のイスラエル訪問など; based on our review of our own intelligence, on open-source information, including photos and videos that people at the scene have presented on overhead imagery, on intercepts of conversations, we believe that Israel is not responsible for this strike; What the Israelis have said is that the status quo ante, the situation that prevailed before these terrorist attacks, cannot be restored. They cannot live with that; 》

[22:28]★今日のおすすめ★ What's next for Republicans after Jim Jordan's 2nd defeat in House speaker vote

Republican Congressman Jim Jordan’s second try for speaker of the House went more poorly than his first. In Wednesday's vote he received two fewer Republican votes than he did on Tuesday. Lisa Desjardins reports on the Capitol frozen in legislative limbo and Geoff Bennett discussed where the GOP stands and what comes next with Rep. Carlos Gimenez, one of the Republicans who voted against Jordan.
《混迷が深まる下院議長選び;2回目の本会議採決で支持を減らしたジム・ジョーダン; The numbers voting for him today went down by one overall to 199. We know he needs 217. Now, the number voting for someone else went up; 22 Republicans today voted for someone else. That is two more than we have seen in the past; Hakeem Jeffries, the Democrat, receiving the most votes again, 212, as Democrats were united; at least two different members of the House Republican Conference ready to put forth a resolution to elevate the powers of Patrick McHenry, House speaker pro tempore; some of those folks backing Jordan are themselves now looking for other candidates; Jack Bergman of Michigan; ジム・ジョーダンを2回とも支持しなかったCarlos Gimenez(共和党、フロリダ州選出)へのインタビュー; I'm in favor of Kevin McCarthy. That's where I have been the whole time; 議長解任動議 》

[28:27] He will be nominated and then, hopefully, we can do this by acclamation or have a very, very large majority that he will become our candidate and he will agree to that.

[** by acclamation = Without opposition; Confirmed by a show of verbal support, rather than by a formal ballot ]

[32:44] GEOFF BENNETT: Well, you could argue that Kevin McCarthy allowed it to happen when he agreed with Matt Gaetz that it would only take one member to invoke a motion to vacate.

[** motion to vacate = 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ]

[32:54] And I don't believe that should have happened, but hindsight's 20/20. And there were promises made that, hey, we would never invoke it. I had my doubts when that rule passed. I held my nose and voted for it.

[** to hold one's nose = to do something in spite of its unpleasant nature ]

[33:31]★今日のおすすめ★ Examining intelligence assessments over who is responsible for Gaza hospital blast

Tuesday, Gaza’s health ministry, controlled by Hamas, blamed Israel for an explosion at Al-Ahli Hospital and said hundreds died in an airstrike. That claim led to protests across the region and the cancellation of President Biden's scheduled summit in Jordan. But the U.S. and Israeli Defense Forces say the cause was a Palestinian rocket. Nick Schifrin examines what we know with Marc Garalasco.
《ガザの病院攻撃の真犯人は誰なのか; Al-Ahli Hospital; Hamas blamed an Israeli airstrike. But the Israeli Defense Forces released imagery it says shows damage caused by a Palestinian rocket that misfired; The IDF also released a video with audio recording and translation of what Israel claims are two Hamas officials talking and purportedly admitting that the rocket had been fired from the cemetery next to the hospital and fell on the hospital; Marc Garalasco, military adviser at PAX Protection of Civilians and a former Defense Department analyst with decades of experience in targeting and assessing bomb damage; When we look at the U.S. air campaign in Afghanistan, that was over the size of a territory of about Texas, right, where you're looking at about 5,000 bombs annually being dropped there. It got up to 7,000 in the last years of the Trump administration. You're talking about 6,000 bombs in less than a week in Gaza, which is the size of Newark, New Jersey; Israel does have a right to defend itself, but that right is not unfettered; I don't think we have seen an Israeli airstrike here... as that rocket was launching, it still had a substantial amount of fuel. And when it tumbled from the sky, that crater that we saw, which is actually more like just a small hole in the ground, that was created by the kinetic energy of something hitting; 》

[41:22] American with 5 family members held hostage in Gaza on the U.S. effort to free them

One of President Biden's priorities during his trip to Israel was securing the release of hundreds of hostages held in Gaza by Hamas. As many as 13 of those hostages are believed to be Americans. In Tel Aviv, special correspondent Willem Marx has the story of one woman with five relatives held by Hamas and the desperate hours spent to bring them home.;
《家族5人がハマスの人質になっているアメリカ人; バイデン政権の人質救出への取り組み; Abbey Onn》

[46:15] Filmmaker Werner Herzog writes about his prolific and varied career in new memoir

Long recognized as one of the world’s leading independent filmmakers, Werner Herzog is also an actor, opera director and writer. And after filming stories around the world, he now tells his own story in a new memoir, "Every Man for Himself and God Against All." Jeffrey Brown spoke with Herzog for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《映画監督ヴェルナー・ヘルツォークの回顧録『Every Man for Himself and God Against All』; 新刊本; Werner Herzog's take on film and life; 》

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