
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.22☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 21, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[05:53] But when you look at "Shifty" Schiff and some of the others, yes, they are, to me, the enemy from within. And I think Nancy Pelosi is an enemy from within. She lied.

[24:53] Legally, what he (Elon Musk) says he's doing is just paying you to sign this petition, to sign up for this -- to get e-mails from this PAC. That probably, as far as it goes, is legal. But if it becomes a way to pay you for voting for Donald Trump or pay you to incentivize you to vote for Donald Trump, that becomes illegal.

[27:08] And we won't really know until the election, though the other thing that I would say, the sort of counterbalance to this is that there are a lot of people who believe, including Democrats, that Donald Trump doesn't need a ground game, because he is his own ground game. His voters are so motivated that they will crawl over glass to vote for him, and you don't need a big door-knocking effort to get to them.

[** crawl over glass = crawl over shards of glass; to endure great hardship or discomfort to do something ]

[29:28] Vice President Harris, they are concerned that she may not do as well with Black voters, particularly Black men, that she may not do as well with Latino voters, that Trump is making some inroads into the traditional Democratic base, also working-class white voters. And so what they're trying to do is run up the numbers in the suburbs, where Trump has clearly struggled, where there are tens of thousands of people who voted for Nikki Haley after she dropped out.

[31:16] And she has said that they are running like underdogs. She has said repeatedly that either you are running scared or you are running stupid, and they would rather run scared.

[** running scared = (in this context) running the campaign like underdogs //
running stupid = (in this context) running the campaign in an overly optimistic manner ]

[32:53] GEOFF BENNETT: And, Tam, you were just with the Harris campaign in Nebraska's Second Congressional District, just, again, to reiterate how closely and how hard-fought this election is.
TAMARA KEITH: Yes, so this is known as the blue dot or the purple dot that could be the blue dot this time. And if Harris -- of these swing states that we're talking about, if Harris were to only win the blue wall of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, she would be at 269 electoral votes, one shy of what is needed to win the presidency. And that is where Omaha comes in.

[** blue dotとは何かを説明している部分。
see also:
https://note.com/wgc888/n/nff3f97d35d41#f4a7700d-a904-4279-8e0d-6dc0986e9d8d (Nebraska splits its electoral votes by congressional district)]

[35:15] JEFFREY BROWN: Welcome to the Machiavelli School of Management. Today's prompt, passages from "The Prince," published in 1532.

[37:13] DAVID REINGOLD: I could show you some projections which would show, by 2024, there would be no students left in this college.
JEFFREY BROWN: The reasons why are complex and debated, the shock of the 2008 financial crisis, the higher costs of college, a shift away from social sciences to technology, seen as better for job prospects, and a devaluing of the very idea of a canon of great books.

[** canon = a collection of books or literary works that are authoritative and generally accepted as representing a field.]

[39:50] NATHANIEL DIXON JR.: My professor, she really pushes the idea that what we're reading can be applied to us. And the point of the class isn't to find the correct answer, but find how what's in the reading can be applied to you in the grand scheme of the thing.

[43:57] Navalny's memoir is being published tomorrow posthumously shepherded by his wife, Yulia, who has taken on his mantle of political leadership. Navalny wrote while recovering from the poisoning and later surreptitiously in prison.

[** shepherd = (in this context) to guide, lead, oversee with care ]



  • burning millions of dollars

  • all in/ the Harris campaign is going all in trying to reach out to those dissatisfied, disaffected Republicans

  • afterthought

  • strike at the heart of something/ it added up to a reality that struck at the very heart of what colleges are for

  • domain

  • slate/ a two-semester slate of classes

  • general education

  • minor

  • gnothi sauton

  • FSB

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