
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.08☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 7, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[13:12] And a passing of note. Cissy Houston, the mother of the late Whitney Houston and a successful singer in her own right, has died. The two-time Grammy winner performed alongside the likes of Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin. She saw early success as part of the vocal group The Sweet Inspirations, who sang backup for several soul acts and featured on Van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl." Branching out on her own, Houston was an in-demand session singer. Her vocals can be heard on tracks by Jimi Hendrix, Luther Vandross, and Beyonce, among others. Cissy Houston was 91 years old.

[** sing backup = to sing as a backup singer]

[** branch out = to explore something new; to expanding one's activities or career into new areas or directions ]

[** session singer = a studio singer, especially one who works freelance ]

[28:04] Well, that is actually not true. FEMA cannot take your house. They can pay you and urge you to be bought out, so that you don't build your home in the same place. It's a long process. It doesn't happen overnight.

[29:59] GEOFF BENNETT: And lastly, Juliette, you write in your piece that emergency managers regularly urge people to stockpile 72 hours' worth of food and water, but Americans should also be planning their disaster media diet with similar care.

[43:41] OLEKSANDR, Myrnohrad, Ukraine, Resident (through translator): Let it be what it will be. We don't have anywhere to go.

[44:03] JACK HEWSON: But while some are unable to leave, others are not inclined. The people who wait, or zhduny, a term meaning Russian sympathizer.

[** zhduny = (in the context of the Ukrainian War) pro-Russian sympathizers in Ukraine who are waiting for Russian forces to advance and take control < zhduny = (Russian) those who wait ]

[49:17] BRIAN RAGUE, Associate Dean of College of Engineering, Applied Science, and Technology at Weber State University: Fundamental knowledge about their particular field is important to us and we build that up. But we build it up in a kind of a gradated or stackable way, so that students can earn degrees and credentials as they move along.

[51:05] JESSICA SLATER: We want to get in front of these young women, again, before any preconceptions are developed on this is what I'm capable of doing because I'm a woman. We want to get to them when they're 12 years old and they think they can do whatever a boy can do, because they can.

[51:42] DELANIE LONG: At first, it was really intimidating, to be honest. But I do feel welcome here. It's fun to show, like, the boys what's up kind of thing.

[** show the boys what's up = (in this context) show the boys what she is capable of ]

[52:47] BETH MIYA: Everywhere I go, they usually assume I am the marketing girl or the secretary that's helping. And then I get up and I'm presenting the technical information. I always feel that I have to prove myself, when my male counterparts can walk up and they just listen. I have to kind of show them why I'm there.
ALI ROGIN: So, Miya is paying it forward, speaking when she can to younger students who are curious about the automotive field.

[** pay it forward = (in this context) to use one's experiences to help others; (in the original sense) to respond to a kind act received by doing a good deed for someone else instead of returning the favor directly to the original benefactor ]



  • Lod Airport/ My mother was killed 50 years ago at the Lod Airport

  • fulsome/ a fulsome health report

  • attuned to/ It requires of the university to be attuned to what the needs are out there.

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