

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour June 4, 2024



[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[22:05] NICK SCHIFRIN: Modi fought the election in his own name, promising a rising, stronger India. But many of the 640 million Indians who voted over seven weeks voted their pocketbooks.

[** fight the election in his own name = (in this context) to campaign primarily on his personal brand, popularity, and leadership ]

[26:02] The study also had a very fundamental problem, which is to say, it could not be properly blinded.

[** blind = to conceal information from participants or researchers in a blind study to prevent bias or influence on the outcome ]

[28:55] MILES O'BRIEN: But there are skeptics opposing the treatment. They say the MDMA studies are too small and not controlled enough to draw a firm conclusion.

[** control = to test or verify (a scientific experiment) by a parallel experiment or other standard of comparison (Random House); to manage variables to ensure the results are attributable to the factor being tested ]

[37:40] MIGUEL WASIELEWSKI, Head of Admissions, The University of Texas at Austin: I'm a first-generation student. My mom didn't graduate high school.

[** first-generation student = 以前の番組に出てきました。]

[37:52] PAUL SOLMAN: And so kids like he was are those he cares most about. And not only can the tests help them from being overmatched in tough courses, he says, but, worse, for a school as rich in resources as U.T. Austin, with test-optional:
MIGUEL WASIELEWSKI: We were not putting somebody into a program that could have benefited from those resources. So, with the reinstitute of those scores, we will be able to begin providing that additional support to them.

[** overmatch = (in this context) to enroll someone in a course that is beyond their abilities ]

[44:11] AMNA NAWAZ: Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Griner was a breakout star at Baylor University, dunking her way to fame and a pro career with the Phoenix Mercury, six WNBA All-Star appearances, and two Olympic gold medals.

[** to dunk her way to fame = to gain fame by scoring with slam dunks in basketball games ]


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。

  • CBP

  • incoming/ he's getting some incoming from other Democratic members of Congress

  • party drug

  • overlook/ the company overlooked problems, or so the committee determined

  • confounding factor

  • shake out/ There was a recent analysis done of how this goes, shakes out

  • beg to differ

  • grit/ passion inspires grit, which she says is the real key to success

  • variable/ It's just another variable that we have within the application.

  • grade inflation

  • wraparound/ we support our students with wraparound services

  • PSAT

  • shot/ when it comes to some students who have maybe a lower score who genuinely have a passion and want to go into, like, engineering, I do feel as though they definitely don't have that shot sometimes.

  • be on someone/ it's on me. It was my fault.

  • stay back

  • spectacle

  • workstation

  • corrido

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