
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.11.05☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Nov. 4, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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■ アメリカ大統領選速報

ABC News・ NBC News ・ PBS News


( 辞書を引けば簡単に分かる語句は自分で調べてください。上の「おすすめの辞書」でたいてい分かると思います)


[00:16] GEOFF BENNETT: A new PBS News poll shows Kamala Harris ahead of Donald Trump nationally, but the path to 270 electoral votes remains as tight as ever. We game out the candidates' potential paths to victory.

[** game out = To run through scenarios to determine what will happen given certain decisions; to play out possibilities; to examine several ideas to come up with their likeliest end results (wiktionary)]

[04:26] DONALD TRUMP: You know, they have an expression. I hate the expression, actually, but it's ours to lose.

[** ours to lose < someone's race to lose = the situation where the person is in a strong position and expected to win, but if they were to lose, it would be due to a significant error on their part. ]

[06:13] At a Sunday rally while surrounded by bulletproof glass, Trump made menacing remarks toward the press.
DONALD TRUMP: And I have this piece of glass here. But all we have really over here is the fake news, right?
DONALD TRUMP: And to get me, somebody would have to shoot through the fake news. And I don't mind that so much.

[** The remark could be interpreted as menacing because it implies that, in the event of an assassination attempt, journalists in the venue would be in the line of fire, facing potential injury or death, while Trump himself would be shielded by bulletproof glass. By saying, “I don’t mind that so much,” he suggests an indifference -- or perhaps even satisfaction -- at the thought of journalists being at risk. ]

[11:56] LISA DESJARDINS: Well, they have an interesting communication strategy. They have gone dark, essentially, with the press. They haven't had a press call in the way that the Harris campaign has.

[** go dark = To cease communications (wiktionary) ]

[22:40] Two different sets of expectations and effects from these states. Now, let's talk first about Iowa. Again, let's start with this base scenario where Harris is able to win the blue wall and that second district in Nebraska,

[** second district in Nebraska = blue dot = see: https://note.com/wgc888/n/nc42250619dac#f4a7700d-a904-4279-8e0d-6dc0986e9d8d ]

[27:12] And officials say many videos like this one, false claims about ballots in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, are designed to help Trump and amplify his claims of fraud and at the same time denigrate Vice President Harris. You see another one there with a false claim about Harris and rare rhinos.

[** see: https://www.theregister.com/2024/10/25/russia_china_iran_election_disinfo/ ]

[51:55] QUINCY JONES: Anyone who says they have figured out how to make records that sell more than 50 million records is lying and smoking Kool-Aid.

[** "Smoking the Kool-Aid" humorously blends the idea of "smoking marijuana" with "drinking the Kool-Aid," which means to blindly follow a harmful ideology or belief due to perceived high rewards.//
drink the Kool-Aid = see:
https://note.com/wgc888/n/n4ae451fb7cc5#60b9a8bc-5223-4c49-8894-e84d95b9a18e ]



  • Rocky Balboa Steps

  • low-propensity voter

  • Americans for Prosperity

  • do out

  • agitate

  • go by


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