
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.16☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 15, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • Wiktionary

  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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番組を理解する上で問題になりそうな英語表現や注目すべき語句を書き出しています。リンクを付けてありますので、動画を見て、分からないものがあったら調べてください 。自分で調べることに意義があります。



[08:38] So they're upshifting at the Harris campaign, and they need to.

[12:43] GEOFF BENNETT: So the Trump campaign strategy of trying to reach what some people call low-propensity voters, irregular voters, we can use the -- like groups of young men, for instance. Trump has been doing a lot of podcasts aimed at young men.

[** low-propensity voter = a voter who has a lower likelihood of voting //
irregular voter = a voter who doesn't vote regularly and is less reliable in terms of turnout ]

[17:19] Boeing laid out plans today to try to raise as much as $25 billion to help its troubled finances. In back-to-back regulatory filings, the plane maker said it could raise the cash over the next three years by issuing new stock or debt. Boeing also plans to enter into a new $10 billion credit agreement with banks.

[** regulatory filings = (in this context) documents submitted to regulatory authorities, typically required by law or regulation ]

[19:23] The push and pull of the U.S.-Israel relationship was on full display today, as the U.S. warned Israel it could cut off arm shipments unless Israel allows more aid into Gaza. And at the same time, Israel and the U.S. appear to be in sync on how Israel will strike Iran in response to its recent ballistic missile attack on Israel.

[31:48] You report that, by September 2022, U.S. intelligence reports considered exquisite revealed that Putin was so desperate about battlefield losses, the chances that he might use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine had gone from 5 percent to 10 percent to 50 percent, or basically a coin flip, as you quote someone saying.

[** exquisite = excellent; of exceptional quality or detail ]

[49:20] JEFFREY BROWN: One thing it is, a story told with LEGO pieces, traditional documentary-style interviews turn into animation, other scenes conceived and built as animation from the start, all to creatively capture the mind and works of a hard-to-categorize cultural figure, who, as performer, music producer, and beat maker working with many of today's megastars, including Jay-Z and Snoop Dogg, has helped transform the sound of today's music.

[50:31] MORGAN NEVILLE: Because I could see what he was seeing. The fact that we can illustrate his synesthesia, which means he sees color when he hears sound and music, or that we can physically manifest the beats that he's making, is something you can't normally do. So, in that way, I felt like the LEGO animation allowed me to be inside his imagination.

[** synesthesia = see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia ]

[53:53] MORGAN NEVILLE: I mean, there's -- this was the biggest swing I have ever done in filmmaking in my career, because that's what's interesting at this point.



  • project something forward

  • ransom/ hackers with links to Iran infiltrated an Israeli dating site and then tried to sell or ransom the information it gathered.

  • Maronite Catholic

  • per/ Bibi will be willing to moderate his behavior per U.S. interests

  • liable/ she's liable to be the next United States president

  • strain

  • take kindly/ I do not take kindly to being threatened

  • hitch one's wagon to something

  • minifig

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