■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour Jan. 31, 2024
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[12:10] There are lots of bad actors, predators out there, from sextortion, which if your viewers don't know what sextortion is, they need to learn what sextortion is, because people are pretending to be someone of a child's age. And they end up gaining their trust over time and then the minute that they send them any sort of intimate photo of themselves, it turns around immediately with extortion for money, threats to release that to everyone they know. And I met a couple of parents last night who -- there was only six hours from the time that they got the picture, they said, we want $5,000, and he's a kid and he doesn't have that. And there were six hours from the time this happened to the time that he died.
[31:38] AMNA NAWAZ: Will, you have also reported previously on the race-norming practice that was negotiated as part of the settlement, meaning that Black players were treated differently when it came to cognitive assessment than white players, even though Black players make up the majority of the league. Did any of that impact these diagnoses and the settlement payments?
WILL HOBSON: They did. I mean, Mr. Cross actually was one example. His -- part of the reason he didn't qualify on the cognitive test score front was because his scores were race-normed, which is basically the test scores were curved and adjusted a little bit based on a formula that assumes Black former players naturally perform worse on these cognitive tests than white former players.
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