
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.02☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 1, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[10:12] After Iran attacked Israel back in April, and that was a relatively smaller strike than the one we saw today and the one that Israel and the U.S. managed to largely defeat, President Biden urged Netanyahu to -- quote -- "take the win." And it was seen that Israel's response to Iran at that point was relatively surgical.

[16:54] SUZANNE MALONEY: I don't think Iran is showing restraint. I think, in fact, this attack was not as heavily signaled as the one that took place in April, for which the United States was able to prepare carefully with Israel and with other partners and allies around the region to ensure that there would be a successful effort to repel it. In this case, I think it was a much dicier, much shorter turnaround time. And I think what we saw today is not restraint on the part of Iran, but rather the capabilities of Israel's air defense system and the support from the United States, which made it possible to ensure that there were apparently only one casualty, and that happened to be a Palestinian in the West Bank.

[26:32] JOHN AMOS, Actor: You want to run that by me again?

[30:29] And, on top of that, we had complete loss of communications. No one's cell phone worked. It's only today that we're seeing some broad restoration of communication ability. So just simply trying to call someone who got landlocked from a road washout or a bridge washout was something that couldn't be accomplished.

[32:28] And just looking at the water line on these damaged structures that I just saw firsthand they're way above the flood stage for building code.

[** stage = The height of the surface of a river or other fluctuating body of water above a set point (thefreedictionary); The height of the water in a river or other body of water compared to a specific reference level ]

[36:23] But even though Walz is very much liked by progressives, Amna, he -- the Harris campaign is hoping that his everyday dad persona, his relatability can speak to centrist Republicans, specifically Nikki Haley voters, which the campaign is aggressively courting. And they got a boost today, Amna, from a specific group of former Nikki Haley voters who voted for Haley in the Republican primaries in their states. And this is a PAC that's called Haley Voters For Harris. And they launched a seven-figure digital ad campaign today. They shared the details first with "News Hour." And I spoke to Craig Snyder, chair of the group, who said that the goal of these new ads is to create a permission structure for Republicans who may be considering voting for a Democrat for the first time in their life.

[** a permission structure provides reluctant people with reasons or justifications to do something they might not have considered or been willing to do on their own ]



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