《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.09☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 8, 2024
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[06:55] One senator who is not prone to throwing bombs or having flourishes told me this astounding quote. That senator said they all campaign, and in this case, everyone can see when a campaign is sort of falling behind, is just kind of in a death spiral.
[17:28] I just happen to be in a different place. What I am is that I am unapologetically supportive of the president, his record, his decency, and his integrity. And I, like Adam Smith, am very clear-eyed about the challenges in front of us.
[18:34] GEOFF BENNETT: What do you say to Democrats who support President Biden, who like President Biden, but who think that he lost a step and that the debate revealed some real vulnerabilities that imperil his chances of winning the White House come November, and that, given the stakes, the existential stakes that so many Democrats see in this election, that now is the time to change course?
[21:40] GEOFF BENNETT: How much longer can this go on, this circular firing squad among Democrats, all of this public hand-wringing about whether or not President Biden should remain at the top of the ticket? How much longer can this go on? And how much damage do you think this has done to him and to the ticket of President Biden and Vice President Harris?
[26:42] Family members of Boeing plane crash victims say they are outraged today after the Justice Department said the plane maker had agreed to a plea deal to avoid a criminal trial [** 関連ニュース ] . That's in connection to two 737 MAX jetliner crashes that killed 346 people in 2018 and 2019. An attorney for several victims' families said that -- quote -- "Through crafty lawyering between Boeing and DOJ, the deadly consequences of Boeing's crime are being hidden." A federal judge still has to approve the deal that requires Boeing to pay a $243.6 million fine after paying the same amount in a 2021 settlement.
[** lawyering = (in this context) skillful (or unscrupulous) legal maneuvers or tactics ]
[34:05] NICK SCHIFRIN: At the same time, as I just reported, some 12 million French voters did vote for Le Pen's party. In general, has she erased the stigma of her father? Is her momentum at this point irreversible?
TARA VARMA: So that's what she says. She says that the tide has risen, that they didn't win this time, but it's inevitable that they will ultimately win, whether it's in the upcoming 2027 presidential election or maybe in another snap election that Emmanuel Macron could call again in a year's time. What is certain is that they had 89 members of Parliament 10 days ago. They have now 143, and that's from eight only in 2017. So their rise is quite massive and clearly consistent and steady. And it is true that they did win the highest share of the popular vote yesterday. And so I think they will continue playing on the sense of anger and frustration that we have seen basically build up since yesterday.
[38:55] TAMARA KEITH, National Public Radio: That's exactly what he's doing. At the campaign headquarters, where he spoke to supporters, he did not speak from notes. At one point, somebody shouted something about Dark Brandon, which is like the laser eyes meme version of Joe Biden. And he's like, yes, Dark Brandon is coming back.
[39:40] And I was with him all day yesterday. The feedback he was getting -- obviously, presidents are in a bubble and he was taken to places where he would be very well received. But at that church, the pastor literally led the congregants in a call in response to say, "I love you, President Biden."
[52:21] ALIKA MAUNAKEA: We already knew that populations that experience health disparities would be more vulnerable to these disasters, and the trauma that follows just further widens inequities.
Project 2025
air/ The question of how to move forward has been well aired for over a week now and it's time for it to end
peppered with
flip/ The Dow Jones industrial average flipped about 30 points, so it barely changed.
Republican Front
pegged to/ He's got a solo press conference pegged to the NATO summit on Thursday.
red wave
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