
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.05☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Sept. 4, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[06:38] AMNA NAWAZ: So, these efforts, I think it's safe to say, are a long way from Russian intelligence packing and dumping e-mails like they did with the DNC back in 2016.

[28:34] And that's not to mention the operations of Russian troll farms that created thousands of digital sock puppet soldiers to repeat and repeat and repeat messages that boosted Donald Trump, at Hillary Clinton's expense.

[30:36] SIMON OSTROVSKY: They're no longer going to be trying to convince our societies that Russia's great. They're just going to use various different methods to make us angry at each other, angry at our allies, angry at Ukraine?
CHRISTO GROZEV: That is exactly so. And that's both bad news and good news. The good news part of it is that they realize that the ship has sailed on trying to convince the rest of the world that Russia is a powerful good.

[33:01] CHRISTO GROZEV: And for the real bosses, he actually admits to having worked for the last 19 years as a senior officer in -- at the SVR. And the SVR officer who is delegated to this program, seconded to this program and travels around the world, his name is Andrey Shcherbakov (ph). And he has a diplomatic passport, and we expect he will be able to travel to Western Europe and the United States, maybe not after this program.

[35:22] CHRISTO GROZEV: The same team from Russia's foreign intelligence that is behind this global program is doing specific hit jobs on specific enemies of the Russian state. This -- these hit jobs go under the cover program named Ledorub, which means ice pick, because ice pick is what Stalin organized the assassination of Trotsky with last century. And there's no doubt that this is the meaning of this character assassination tool.

[37:18] JEFFREY BROWN: These days, the fruits of Frey's work can be found in very different settings, art museums, in a first major survey titled Woven at the Portland Museum of Art, as well as in the collections of leading institutions, including New York's Metropolitan Museum -- baskets of different sizes, shapes, patterns, colors made over the last 20 years, featuring innovations and refinements Frey introduced, such as fine weaves and double wall baskets, one within another.

[41:44] RAMEY MIZE, Portland Museum of Art: Baskets of this kind were seen within the dichotomy and a sort of perceived hierarchy of art and craft, art versus craft. And so much of what Jeremy Frey is doing is attuning people to the extraordinary vision and genius behind these works that absolutely deserves to be considered within a -- quote, unquote -- "fine art" context, but not abandoning the incredible craft, roots and processes that bring it to life.

[44:29] [** この話題は再放送です。今回は省略部分があるので、前回放送の方を見ることをお勧めします ]
CATHERINE RAMPELL: One of Emma Scott's must-have skin care products is her glow recipe toner.



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