




「三谷幸喜のありふれた生活 読書感想文の書き方指南」朝日新聞、2022/8/18














「三谷幸喜のありふれた生活 読書感想文の書き方指南」朝日新聞、2022/8/18


Again about book reports or about being a professional columnist

Earlier, I posted an article about book reports. Shortly after that, I saw an article in which screenwriter Koki Mitani discussed book reports on a TV program.

He confessed that he used to like writing essays but was never good at book reports, and said that if he were to write a book report now, how he would do it. And he reiterates the same thing in a weekly column he has been writing since 2000.

There is no need to write about what you thought of the book or anything like that. If you try to write about that, you will not be able to make progress. The only thing you can write about is that you were moved or that it was interesting. No wonder you don't feel like writing. Nevertheless, you need your teacher to like you, so you can't write interesting sentences like you were bored or didn't understand the meaning. (omitted) Why don't you try to put it into your own story about how you changed after reading it? Instead of recalling the actions of the characters, imagine yourself reading it in your mind. How have you changed before and after reading the book? How did you change before and after reading the book? You can write about those things.

Koki Mitani's Mundane Life: Instructions on How to Write a Book Report," Asahi Shimbun, 2022/8/18

There are two passages in the article he wrote that concern me.

  1. "It is necessary," he says, "to be liked by the teacher. He is a professional playwright, so he would think that it is necessary to be liked by the audience. But children are not entertainers, and a teacher is not audience.

2."Write how you changed or didn't change before and after reading," he says. No, I think it's quite difficult. Thinking and writing are two different things. Teachers will have to teach students who can't write what they think. And Koki Mitani wasn't the first to write about how he/she changed before and after reading. It is written in an article that you can easily find by searching for "how to write a book report" on the Internet.

This article  (the title table is also taken from here) offers tips for writing a book report from multiple perspectives. Also, there have been articles and books on these techniques that predate this article, and some students may have been using them as references.

There was a columnist named Takashi Odajima. In his interview article with Kazuyuki Obata, he said,

Obata: "Nowadays, you can find all kinds of information on the Internet. And as I look things up, I gather a lot of things that make me think, "I see. This is an interesting point of view.
Odajima: "It's the same for me. When I do research, I find good articles on blogs. Once I read them, I conclude that I have nothing to add.

“What do columnists do?” Chuokoron January 2022 issue.

I think it's a difficult time for professional columnists.

For amateur writers like me, it's nice to have so much information available on the Internet. It is necessary to sort through the information, but for example, white papers issued by ministries can be viewed on the Internet. In addition, you can get hints to find a different point of view from existing articles.

When I write an article, I research statistics, pick up things that seem irrelevant, and compare them. This is because I think that it is not interesting to write the same thing as others. Still, if you search a lot, you will find similar articles, but I think it can't be helped.

But if you're a professional columnist, I think you should look to see if your writing has already been circulated on the Internet. If the authors or editors hadn't taken the trouble to do so, they wouldn't have given this column such a gargantuan title as "How to Write a Book Report."

However, I agree with Mr. Koki Mitani's comment at the end.

Sentences that are forced to be written even though you don't want to write those won't move anyone's heart. I hope that such meaningless and cursed sentences will disappear from this world even if only a little. As a person who writes things, I sincerely hope so.

Koki Mitani's Mundane Life: Instructions on How to Write a Book Report," Asahi Shimbun, 2022/8/18

Even if you don't really think about it, if you know the technique that you should write like this, you will be able to create a decent book report. But it's acting and I feel empty. When I was a student, I wrote book reports in my own style, but I still don't really understand what they were.

