
英語で茶の湯#05主菓子 Omogashi - Main Sweet


今回の言葉 主菓子 Omogashi

 主菓子 omogashi - main sweet 
干菓子 higashi - dry sweet 
濃茶 koicha - thick tea
薄茶 usucha - thin tea
練り切りnerikiri - bean paste sweet
まんじゅうmanjyu - bun stuffed with bean paste
きんとん kinton - a ball of bean paste covered with bean paste flakes


”主菓子” とは何か?

  • 濃茶の前に食べる菓子が、主菓子です。

  • 主菓子は、練り切りなど餡を使ったものが多い。

  • 薄茶の前に食べる菓子は、干菓子です。ただ、茶店などで薄茶が提供される場合は、主菓子が一緒の場合が多いです。

ChatGPT による説明

In the Japanese tea ceremony, omogashi refers to a main sweet served before drinking thick tea (koicha). Unlike light, dry sweets (higashi) served with thin tea (usucha), omogashi is usually a moist, rich confectionery made with ingredients like sweetened red bean paste or seasonal fruits. Its purpose is to prepare the palate, balancing the bitterness of the matcha. Often crafted to reflect seasonal themes, omogashi plays a key role in enhancing the aesthetic and sensory experience of the tea ceremony.


 相変わらずchatGPTが良い説明を出してきます。いろいろ集めてきて、aesthetic 審美的 美的な と言った言葉を使うところが素晴らしいです。


Omogashi is a main sweet in the Japanese tea ceremony.  
Usually omogashi is made of sweetened red bean past. It is called Nerikiri. 
Omogashi is served before drinking thick tea(koicha). On the other hand, dry sweets (Higashi) is served with thin tea.  
But in casual situations like a tea house in Japanese garden (Chaya ), Omogashi is served with thin tea.





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