






何を考えるべきか(視点)x  どう考えるべきか(ルール)= 生き方












その人生の中推に、何を考えるべきか(視点)x  どう考えるべきか(ルール)が背骨のように軸としてあればいい。



If there is a more rational and profound "something to increase" rather than more money or more connections, it would be to increase one's own perspectives and rules (or laws).

By establishing one's own perspective and rules, one can live a life that is not blurred. We can live with a firm or calm and tranquil mind that is not distracted by trivial things (and most things are trivial).

Perspectives and rules are instilled in us as children by the adults and children around us. Some people are lucky to have them, and some people are very unlucky to have them instilled in them as if they were a prison in which they were locked up.

But that is not all. We are reeds that think, and we can change the way we look at things, the rules, and the laws of life.

The quickest way to do this is to read. So, let's look at the following

What to think (point of view) x How to think (rules) = way of life

This is how we live our lives.

When reading, I naturally keep my antennae up and use "why" and "how" as my guideline as I read.

The small blocks of "why," "how," and "why" attract each other like magnets and become a solid building material, which in turn builds a large structure.

It is the grand architecture of life.

The wobbly foundation of values

The laws of success are not immutable, and of course they differ from person to person. An American entrepreneur named Brian Tracy, under the title "What Stands in the Way of Success," says this.

(1) Being complacent in the field, thinking "this is enough" (2) Thinking "I can't do it" (3) Trying to accomplish things by having fun rather than by doing hard things.

In the old days, such "unyielding and unflagging effort" would have been admired, and when I was much younger I thought it was indispensable, but now I wonder how much value there is in something obtained after so much hard work.

The sense of accomplishment is wonderful. That is for sure. But there are people who break their hearts and bodies along the way, and desperate efforts can also bind and fetter you.

At my age, I have come to realize that I need a brighter, sunnier place in my life than that.

I wish there was an axis of what to think (viewpoints) and how to think (rules) in the middle of my life, like a backbone.

It is like a streamlined architectural structure, unbreakable.

It can flexibly change its shape and survive for a long time. I believe that a way of life that does not break down is like that.
