

あるオリンピック選手が、同じく過去にオリンピック選手であったコーチに言われたのは、何かに向かって生きていて、その時間の 1/3 がクソみたいで、 1/3 が イケイケの快調機で、残りが1/3 がまあまあなら、それはそれで健全であるということ。







Balance in Life

An Olympic athlete was told by his coach, who was also a past Olympian, that if you are living for something and 1/3 of your time is shitty, 1/3 of your time is a good, fast-paced machine, and the remaining 1/3 is so-so, that's healthy enough.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. However, if the distribution over time is unbalanced, it means that there is room for something to be improved. Conversely, when things are going too well, it is easy to let one's guard down, and injuries and physical breakdowns can occur.

It can be looked at in terms of days, or it can be considered over a longer time frame.

In my own experience, my childhood was shitty. I did well in school, but I was lonely, I had no prospects, and I felt like I had no reason to live. My first job (click here to read about my time as a public servant) was boring and I felt like my life was over, but then I moved to the U.S. and the view out my window started to change.

It was as if color had returned to a world of black and white.

It was not because the environment had changed, but rather, it was as if the environment that suited me had flown in from the other side and stuck to my hand as I groped my way through it. As you change, the setting that corresponds to that change comes with a sizzling sound from the other side.

If you are enduring hard times right now, think about the "good times" and the "so-so times. As long as the overall situation is well-balanced, it's all good.
