

Next year in 2025, the “Osaka, Kansai, Japan Expo” will be held in the ministry.
For those of us who live in Osaka/Kansai, we are familiar with the Expo, but I would like to let everyone overseas know about the Expo.
So, I would like to introduce the “Overview” of the Osaka-Kansai Expo.

🔴Basic Data🔵

【Location】 Yumeshima, Osaka
【Dates】 April 13 - October 13, 2025
【Number of participating countries】 170 countries, regions, and international organizations

#TheExpoiscoming !

🔴Significance of the event🔵

The theme of this year's event is “Designing a Future Society that Shines with Life”.
In Japan, the average age of the population is increasing due to the aging of the population, difficulties in maintaining social life due to the declining birthrate, and gender issues...

The rapid increase in the world's population, which should be called a population explosion, and the accompanying food crisis and poverty issues...

The Expo is an opportunity for countries and organizations to come together and showcase their technologies in order to solve these various problems.
I think the difference between this year's Expo and the last one (Expo '70) is the purpose.
In the previous Expo, the world was sharing its technology to create an imaginary vision of the future.
It is an image of creating something out of nothing.
This time, however, I think the emphasis is on improving existing things (not to say that there are no elements to be created...).

There are two things we are emphasizing at this Expo


The SDGs are goals to be achieved by 2030 as announced by the United Nations.


Now, the UN has set various goals to help countries achieve this goal. (It is quite tough...).

But if every country in the world could achieve them, the world would naturally be a better place than it is today.

This Expo is also a stepping stone to achieving the SDGs.

②Society 5.0(It is the Japanese government's concept of a future society)

Society is defined as 1.0: hunting→2.0: agriculture→3.0: industry→4.0: information→5.0: a human-centered society that balances economic development and solutions to social issues through a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space. The report describes Japan's progress to date and its future.
The society we live in today is a 4.0 information society.

What will change?
・The solution of social issues through innovation (technological innovation)
It is to develop and introduce new technologies to address regional and aging issues.
It also serves as a bridge between research findings and problem solving.

・Research and development to realize (moonshot type) what was previously thought to be impossible.
It is to be able to participate in distant events free from physical, spatial, and temporal restraints, to detect and prevent diseases at an early stage much faster than at present, to regenerate the global environment, to counter food crisis, and to prevent disasters through weather suppression.

Moonshot Research and Development Program

Smart cities are the realization of a society that makes life easier for each and every one of us.
The goal is to realize smooth transportation, a safe city, and an environment where each individual can live a healthy life.

Smart City Image

・Aggregation of various ideas・Education and human resource development of society as a whole
It is to be realized by bringing together a variety of ideas, not only from the natural sciences, but also from the humanities and social sciences.
We will take into account that “diversity,” “fairness and individual dignity,” and “diverse happiness” are at the core of Society 5.0.

The Osaka, Kansai, Japan Expo is a “testing ground,” so to speak, for the realization of these goals.
The Expo has the power to bring people and goods together in one place, creating an opportunity for Osaka, Kansai, and Japan to change the world for the better.

🔴 To realize 🔵

・Creation and dissemination of new ideas

The combination of technologies will lead to the development of new things.
For example, an “artificial heart” made from iPS cells will be exhibited at the Expo. This will lead to a further leap forward in regenerative medicine.
Exposure to such a variety of technologies will lead to the study of their use and the development of many new technologies.

A “living heart model” created using induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS cell) technology is expected to be the centerpiece of the exhibits at the 2025 Osaka-Kansai World Exposition. Yoshiki Sawa, 68, a cardiovascular surgeon and professor emeritus at Osaka University, who is developing the model, said, “I want to express the mechanisms inside the body in a visible way. I want people to feel life.” He is searching for an effective way to display the model.


・Expansion of investment

As new ideas and technologies are being exchanged, people in Japan and around the world will invest in these ideas and technologies.
Investment will further develop ideas and technologies. The Osaka-Kansai Expo will be the first step in this direction.

・Creation of innovations through the activation of exchanges

Individually, they may be small innovations. However, when they are combined and mixed with each other, new and unexpected technologies will emerge.
This will be the place for such exchanges.

・Revitalization of the local economy and small and medium-sized enterprises

Osaka, where this year's event will be held, has long been known as a town of merchants, where business is thriving. In fact, Higashi-Osaka City is known as the town of small and medium-sized businesses and Sakai City as the town of cutlery.
As many as 377 small, medium, and emerging companies will participate in this year's Expo.

The Osaka Health Care Pavilion Promotion Committee, operated by Osaka Prefecture and City, announced that a total of 377 companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups (emerging companies), have been selected to exhibit at the 2025 Osaka/Kansai Expo. The schedule and lineup of exhibitors are as follows


Naturally, there will be many things that will catch the attention of domestic and international stakeholders. This will lead to the development of each company and the region.

In addition, tourists coming from overseas will pass through the “Golden Route” from Osaka/Kansai to the east and the “Western Golden Route” to the west, and the entire country of Japan will benefit from their visit.

・Opportunity to promote the richness of Japanese culture

This is a good opportunity for foreign tourists visiting various parts of Japan to experience the local culture and realize the wonders of Japanese culture.

🔴Significance for venue design producer Sousuke Fujimoto🔵

🔴Design System Description Creative Direction/Art Direction: Kota Hikichi🔵.

🔴Ticket Information🔵

Advance tickets are much cheaper.
This is a great opportunity to experience technology from around the world!

Ticket Price List


I will continue to write articles about the goods and the pavilion.
I hope you will continue to look at them.
Also, thank you for your support!

For the Japanese version, click here!
