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けふの短歌 | 今日、頬杖ついて(J-57577 & E-575)
け 結局さ
ふ 普段と同じ
も 物語
ま またリピートを
た 辿るのみかな
ほ 微笑んで
お 女演じて
づ Zutto 待ち
え 縁を信じて
を Oh, my god !!
つ 辛くても
い いつか叶うと
ちゃ 茶を飲むも
っ つい悲観して
た たぶん無理かな
で 出会いなど
も もうコリゴリと
い 言ったけど
つ 梅雨が明けたら
も もう一度待つ
ゆ 憂鬱な
う 内に秘めたる
ひ 疲労感
っ つらつらつづり
て 手紙破りぬ
き キラキラと
れ 恋愛終わり
い 今ひとり
だ だんだん暮れて
な 夏の夕焼け
Even though I do my best,
I always make the same mistakes again,
like hearing the same news.
I've been such a woman
that plays a role as a woman
since I first met you.
I have a hard time,
hoping that my dream will come true.
But tea told me "Impossible."
Indeed I'll never love anyone,
But when this rainy season is over,
I will wait for somebody.
My mental fatigue overwhelmed me,
and I've written a lot of letters.
I'll tear them into pieces.
Seeing the sun set aimlessly,
I thought my love had already ended,
resting my chin in my hands.
![山根あきら | 妄想哲学者](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/173111778/profile_19119463d5fa9a15179dafdabef5eb29.png?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)