
詩 | 蜉蝣と不死鳥 | An ephemera and a phoenix

In a spring dream,   
In slumber, 
we met each other.  

Born in the river,
I live for several days
and die somewhere, unnoticed. 

 Born in the desert, 
I live for thousands of years 
and never die anywhere, noticed.

I fly low near the ground
and you fly high in the firmament. 
We  both fly in the same world.   

You fly in the real world 
and I just fly in the fictional world. 
We are different from each other.  

Hated, I am a female 
Loved, you are a male. 
I have never desired to be loved. 

What I most desire, that I don't possess. 
What you most dread, that I have. 
It's a mystery. 

We love each other all the bettter
because we are totally different. 
That's my answer to your enigma. 

Our dream is, I suppose,
about to come to an end.
Good bye for now.

What are we talking about? 


