
エッセイ | なんとなく同じことを考えていた。


A private paper on thinking about death

 Whenever my birthday is drawing near, I inevitably think about death. 
 It was when I was in the second grade that I thought about death for the first time. 
 Neither I saw my loved one's death nor I myself was on the verge of death at that time. But there was, without a doubt, a moment when something told me that I would die sooner or later. 
 Some people assert that everybody should follow the motto of "carpe diem" because nobody cannot escape from death, however, I cannot shake off the idea that everything that I do is meaningless in the presence of death. 

That it is a waste of time to think about death, if possible, I want to agree. But I wonder if thinking that way means that I turn a blind eye to the fact that I must die some day. 

 I am neither extremely happy nor extremely unhappy, but I cannot help thinking about death both when I am happy and when I am sad. Why must all creatures approach their death once they have been brought into this world? That is an enigma that nobody has never solved since time immemorial. 




山根あきら | 妄想哲学者